You're out of MTS, what are you using now?

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Well-known member
May 2, 2007
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Frederick, MD
Since a few have jumped ship, I'm curious to know what you're playing though now.
I'm still a fan although I've sold most of it; Drew's post still gave me GAS.
I'm not out of mts be any means. I realized I have too much tonal overlap, some tones just aren't for me and I don't need to keep them. Although, I could get out of mts completely and be very happy.

If I was to leave, I'd pick up a Friedman BE and some variant of the Rectifier and call it good....if not, just as expensive ;-)

I gravitate to these tones on MTS anyway.
Used a GSP1101 rack unit for a while, which sounded killer. But I was on a quest to shrink even smaller lol. So my live rig now is a HD500X (Line6), and my backup board is a RK FlyRig 5 (the Richie Kotzen version).

Granted, my band made the switch to in-ears and running everything direct/no amps. But I will have MTS in my studio once it's finished, so I'm not gone permanently lol.

Well I tried to go to the darkside twice but neither time the amps gave me the sound/tone I thought they would be. First time I bought a Mesa Single Rectifier Solo 50 head and the second time was a Friedman Runt 50. Neither sounded anywhere near as good as the MTS stuff I have! The Runt's clean channel was unusable because it was ten times louder than the dirty channel.
I was really disappointed with it. I almost rolled the dice and bought a Marshall JVM410 but chickened out after the 2 previous attempts. Just going to stick with my MTS stuff.
I'm still using my MTS stuff and patiently waiting for the Synergy stuff. In the meantime I picked up a Friedman Smallbox combo and a 1978 Marshall JMP modded by Friedman with BE/HBE. The JMP is currently my fav. Can't wait to try some Synergy stuff in the effects loop!
Spencer4hire said:
Well I tried to go to the darkside twice but neither time the amps gave me the sound/tone I thought they would be. First time I bought a Mesa Single Rectifier Solo 50 head and the second time was a Friedman Runt 50. Neither sounded anywhere near as good as the MTS stuff I have! The Runt's clean channel was unusable because it was ten times louder than the dirty channel.
I was really disappointed with it. I almost rolled the dice and bought a Marshall JVM410 but chickened out after the 2 previous attempts. Just going to stick with my MTS stuff.

Don't get a JVM410...Get a Mashall+ and have the tone you wanted all along....Those JVMs are so finicky and most sound different from one another to an extent...Finding a "good one" is really hard....I think that's why there's so many Marshall-esaque modding companies like Cameron and Friedman....They know the tone Marshall folks really want doesn't come from Marshall very often anymore...
Mattfig said:
Spencer4hire said:
Well I tried to go to the darkside twice but neither time the amps gave me the sound/tone I thought they would be. First time I bought a Mesa Single Rectifier Solo 50 head and the second time was a Friedman Runt 50. Neither sounded anywhere near as good as the MTS stuff I have! The Runt's clean channel was unusable because it was ten times louder than the dirty channel.
I was really disappointed with it. I almost rolled the dice and bought a Marshall JVM410 but chickened out after the 2 previous attempts. Just going to stick with my MTS stuff.

Don't get a JVM410...Get a Mashall+ and have the tone you wanted all along....Those JVMs are so finicky and most sound different from one another to an extent...Finding a "good one" is really hard....I think that's why there's so many Marshall-esaque modding companies like Cameron and Friedman....They know the tone Marshall folks really want doesn't come from Marshall very often anymore...

Thanks Matt. I think I am pretty good with the Marshall tones for now with the JPlex,JFM800 and my Gigmods SLiV. Some day I will have to try a Mashall+!
JKD said:
If I was to leave, I'd pick up a Friedman BE and some variant of the Rectifier and call it good....if not, just as expensive ;-)

I gravitate to these tones on MTS anyway.

I still haven't done this, did sell a lot of modules though.....

Latest piece of fun is an won't replace MTS but it sure is excellent for messing with.
I still have my MOD50 head and five modules, but the fact that I can't get an OD/dist pedal to sound good through the T/D or BMAN modules is kind of a dealbreaker.
My other amps are a Peavey JSX combo, a Peavey XXX head (original version) and a Fender Super Reverb head/212 + dirt pedals (not exactly top shelf stuff, but they work for me).

I'm leaning toward slimming it down to just the JSX and Super Reverb. The JSX takes pedals much better than my MOD50 does (on the T/D or BMAN modules), and the XXX is way too bright, even with JJ 12AX7s.

I may change my mind after NAMM - having only two modules at a time is really limiting. A SYN-2 would put me back at the M4 level.
bought an eleven rack around the time I got my RM4 but used the RM4 less and less over the past year till I realized there was no point keeping it around so sold it late last year.

I'm currently just using the eleven rack but am looking to grab a Triaxis once I get some coin togeather.
VHT Pitbull Classic 100 w/EQ
EVH 5153
Laney Ironheart

Here's a little clip from yesterday with the 5153. I was fooling around with a Trixter song.
unearth said:
bought an eleven rack around the time I got my RM4 but used the RM4 less and less over the past year till I realized there was no point keeping it around so sold it late last year.

I'm currently just using the eleven rack but am looking to grab a Triaxis once I get some coin togeather.

I recently took my MTS rig down to Mesa Hollywood. I was looking at 4x12 cabs. I played a Triaxis with a 2:90 for many years. I tried them both again. I played the Triaxis with my power amp and my preamp with their power amp too. For me, my MTS rig DESTROYED the mesa rig!
I have an Eleven Rack too and I love it. But I use it for recording only.
For gigging - it's still either my Mesa Boogie DC5 or my Egnater MOD50 - tend to be the more metal stuff I take the DC5, rock type stuff or something I need more versatility for the MOD50 is just the boss.

I normally use my JF SLOD-100 - dual channel in the MOD50 with a single channel JF super clean - and there is pretty much nothing that amp can't do that I actually play :)

For bigger gigs, where I can be bothered carrying the weight, I take my Diezel VH4 - opened up through a 4x12 it's glorious experience!

I'm currently pondering the Synergy stuff - I was thinking rack BUT a 30 watt one slot amp is pretty tempting too, especially since it takes 6L6's (and other tubes is the question really).
Mesa Boogie DC-5... very cool amp! Got one, and sometime I choose it over the Randalls.. for blues and jazzy (e.g. amy winehouse) a ruby amp is just perfect..

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