You're suffering from GAS if.........

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I did buy one other amp and kept it. Got the Line 6 Bogner head. When I tried that out at the store and had all those Clean sounds in it loaded with effects, I had to have it. We only bust that out if wanting to do some Pink Floyd or some blues which to me that Line 6 does VERY WELL. Never tried to play cleans on the Randall with effects. Thats my ROCK MACHINE! Just plug and play on that. No pedals needed. I do run a Sonic Maximizer in the Lynch box though. Sounds Awesome!
I thought about picking up a sonic maximizer at some point. I think the first pedal I'm gonna buy is an EH Holy Grail. I'm not much on pedals but I think I'll get some reverb and a little delay. Maybe the Boss DD-3.
I might be selling my Mr. Scary in the near future. Just bought ANOTHER MODULE today and one has to go. I told you the sickness is bad! Interested? Its a modded one and it SCREAMS. Drop me a line if so.
The guy I bought if from said a extra capacitor was added to give it slightly more gain. It just rocks! But I just bought a SL2 and something has to these modules are like pringles......cant stop at just one! :D
Whats funny is I never even heard one. But I have 2 other Egnater Modules and they just sound SMOKING!! So I have complete faith in the SL2 without hearing it :D
Jbrobst865 said:
That's cool. What do you think of the SL2? I've heard they have a great Soldano SLO type tone.
EG5 for an SLO type tone,the SL2 is like super modded marshall type......KILLA
Oh yeah.....that EG5 has moved straight to the top of my FAVORITE mod!! I just got the ERECT but didnt play it as much as the EG5 this past weekend. Cant wait to get into the SL2!! Should be here in a few days. :D
GAS is striking again.........See another piece of gear that I "CANT LIVE WITHOUT" What is it that makes people this crazy about gear?? Shouldnt we be concentrating on PLAYING more instead of BUYING more?? :lol:
Mailman1971 said:
GAS is striking again.........See another piece of gear that I "CANT LIVE WITHOUT" What is it that makes people this crazy about gear?? Shouldnt we be concentrating on PLAYING more instead of BUYING more?? :lol:
It's not the gear,it's the hunt! :D
You are absolutely right!! I am such a gear slut! haha! I have had just about everything under the sun over the past 25 years, and sold or traded most of it off. The thrill of the chase!! :D
Another GEAR JUNKIE syndrome........You can spend over 1000 dollars on a piece of gear without batting a eye, but when it comes to buying new socks you think that $10.00 is a "little too expensive" :p
Mailman1971 said:
Another GEAR JUNKIE syndrome........You can spend over 1000 dollars on a piece of gear without batting a eye, but when it comes to buying new socks you think that $10.00 is a "little too expensive" :p
$10.00 FOR SOCKS :shock: LOL
I know.......10 bucks!! What a rip off......mine are still good and the holes only adds character right?? hahaha :D
Or.........when you have a piece of gear.......sell it to buy something new......then sell that to buy back the same piece of gear you had..........
Now G.A.S!!!!!!!!
I have done that on 4 different occasions!! :p
Mailman1971 said:
Or.........when you have a piece of gear.......sell it to buy something new......then sell that to buy back the same piece of gear you had..........
Now G.A.S!!!!!!!!
I have done that on 4 different occasions!! :p
I was waiting for you to put this up!!!!! LOL
Well........I almost bought back a Lynch Box, but I really REALLY wanted a Egnater......and is one on the Forum! SNAG!!!!
Had to do it........Devil made me do it! hahaha :twisted: