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    Randall customer support

    BTW- here's the contact info for Tim. Don't make him regret giving me his phone # :) Tim McCarthy Customer Service Rep. 800-877-6863 ext 5120 US Music Corp 444 E Courtland St. Mundelein Il. 60060 Howard
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    Randall customer support

    Last Friday I e-mailed Randall with questions regarding my new /used RT2/50. They promptly sent me the schematics which will undoubtedly answer my questions regarding the inputs/outputs. So, a big thanks to Tim McCarthy at Randall ! ps) if anyone needs RT2/50 schematics, PM me and I'll...
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    RM4 Input tube - which one?

    I found this last week: Howard
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    RM20B sounds too dark...

    JKD, Oh, I know, there are various types of EL84's . Maybe you can check Tube Depot, or Dougs Tubes to see if there is a brighter tube. Here's a link to a few reviews - Howard
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    Update- I replaced the fuse, and since I had a box of them I tried the 5881's again, this time it worked perfectly. Must have been a bad fuse on the brink, then the new tubes took it over the edge. LOL The OTHER problem I discovered is since I'm running 2 M4's in stereo , I had a strange...
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    RM20B sounds too dark...

    JKD, I had this annoying sizzle from my high gain modules, with Ruby 6L6 and Ruby EL34 tubes in my RT2/50 . I switched to Tong Sol 5881's and that sizzle is gone, I'm happy because I don't really want that in my particular tone.I suggest you look at your power tubes, maybe you need a...
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    Randall Dual Channel Upgrade Possible?

    Hey, now that would be cool. Dual channel, FX loops, where do I sign up ? While it's being operated on , convert my parallel Fx loop to stereo.........LOL Howard
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    Rock, Hey thanks , I have it all sorted out now. Have you blown any fuses ? Are you satisfied with your amp so far ? Just curious, Howard
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    Well, I discovered the tube configuration by installing new tubes, Tung Sol 5881's on the left and Mullard EL34's on the right . After 5 minutes one Tung Sol blew the Fast Blo fuse for some reason, so, for those of you who are not sure, the top bias level adjustment is for the tubes on the left...
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    RD/MAN, Hey thanks ! That was my next question, whether the pots were the same or not, and that answers it ! Next question : When you bias the tubes, is the bias on the front panel (top) for the tubes on the left , or right? ( facing the front of the amp). I assume they're paired , left side...
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    Tommy, I don't have any tubes that fit, just some EL84's . I have ordered a pair of Mullard EL34's and a pair of Tung Sol 5881's . I'll check the bias on the Ruby's when I get home. Thanks, Howard
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    Received my power amp yesterday, unplugged my Mesa 20/20 and connected the new amp. All settings going into the power amp were untouched. Strange thing is the level settings on the Randall needed to be 2x versus the Mesa 20/20 Dynawatt EL84. I'm wondering why a 100 watt amp has less output than...
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    Egnater EG3/4 Rough Landing

    Let's just spell it the forum phonetic way --- RITHUM, this way after 2 drinks it will look just fine. LOL Howard
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    Egnater EG3/4 Rough Landing

    3 Mile Stone- "rythem sound form the EG3. I can't wait to put some Ei or some Tung Sol in there too. This is exactly what I was looking for in my high gain module". Dude, you mispelled rythm again, that's like the 451'st time on this forum. LOL Glad you're enjoying the new mods ! Howard
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    Reverb tanK?

    Ok, what's the deal with all these Amazon pop-up ads ? Weird. Strange, I can see them when I'm not logged in....but not now. Really weird. MPX-1 H
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    Is there a way to...

    I was thinking of doing something similar, but with the 2 M4's. I'll run the send on each parallel FX loop into the L and R inputs on the MPX-1, then L and R outputs back to the M4 return, then the post FX output on each M4 into the RT2/50 inputs. I'll use my Midi mate to switch the M4's...
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    T, On most of the guitars I used the old " investment " routine......LOL She's very cool about the whole thing, hell she's even bought me 6 of them for B-days, anniversaries, Xmas. I just give her a wish list and she never has to ask what I want for Xmas. The last one was a '57 Les Paul...
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    Joe, Just tell your wife everything you buy is for "backup". It worked for me on the second M4 ....LOL I like the COD but I'm waiting for the Mahi Mahi.....:) Howard
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    WTB: Lynch Grail

    According to this Ebay seller he has 2 available and ready to ship. item # 200089959713 Good luck ! Howard
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    Tommy, I knew you would be all over this one . LOL Howard