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  1. 6

    New to Forum... Plexi Module Question

    Out of all my modules, the Plexi is the one I notice the biggest difference with when I flip the bright switch. I actually prefer it off.
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  3. 6

    My Blackface is ok, but I need a bit more gain...

    Why not get a Plexi? That's THE classic rock module, IMO.
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  5. 6

    For those of you with a Brown module....

    I recently acquired a Brown, thanks to a fellow member of the board. It's a great module, but I was surprised how dark it was. I have to crank the treble to at least 2 o'clock to get it out of murky territory. Is this normal? Do you Brown users find this to be true? (My presence knob is set at...
  6. 6

    What modules to get, boys??

    The Plexi is definitely a workhorse. Combined with a boost pedal, you can cover a lot of ground with that module. Everyone should have one, IMO. As far as SRV sounds, you should check out a Tweed module. That one's great for blues.
  7. 6

    SL+ vs. MrScary

    Before I had my SL+ modded by Dave Friedman, I thought it sounded VERY much like the Mr. Scary. The stock SL+ had more bass and a little less mids, but you can dial them in to sound almost identical.
  8. 6

    WTB Brown module

    I'll pay 180.00 shipped.
  9. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Yeah, I saw that, but I think $225 is a little too steep. Thanks anyway, Scott.
  10. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Not really. I know Pete said he could modify a Plexi to get really close to the Brown, but I'll hold out for the real deal.
  11. 6

    WTB Brown module

  12. 6


    Do you have the presence knob turned up?
  13. 6

    FS: XTC & Grail

    PM sent.
  14. 6

    WTB Brown module

    STILL looking for a Brown.....
  15. 6

    FS: Top Boost

    PM sent.
  16. 6

    WTB Brown module

    How about if I pay $170.00?
  17. 6

    Ultra Xl 1st impression...warning... this is a long post!

    What is, in your opinion?
  18. 6

    Anybody mod their Mr. Scary?

    Just wondering if anyone's done any mods to the Mr. Scary module. I never hear anyone talk about modding this one.
  19. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Still looking for a Brown. I have paypal, people. It'll be quick and easy. :wink: