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  1. S

    Digidesign 11 rack as an effects processor.

    As well . . . with the expansion pack you get a SVT model so I can use it for bass as well:) The guitar models would be nice for recording.
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    Digidesign 11 rack as an effects processor.

    I've heard some people say the M13 is good, but can you use it with the 4 cable method? And it doesn't run line level right?
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    Digidesign 11 rack as an effects processor.

    Does anyone here use the eleven rack as an effect processor in the loop? I can get one for a good price but i need to know if it works in the loop first. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. S

    Thumbscrews: "WARNING" Custom Content Inside

    wow . . .just , wow . . . :D You pimped that module to the max!
  5. S

    New MTS manufacturer!?!

    Waaahahahaha Almost got me there . . . :lol:
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    Salvation Mandarine Graphic

    That sounds awesome! Thank you for the info:)
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    Salvation Mandarine Graphic

    I've been thinking of getting the Graphic and Stonerverb. How's the cleans you get out the Graphic?
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    S1S0 noise problem

    Thank you Anthony, will do that shortly. :)
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    S1S0 noise problem

    I received my S1S0 module about a month ago. It's been performing flawlessly. . . till yesterday. Now it's making a noise that sounds almost like wind blowing. The only knob that affects the sound is the Post gain knob. And if it is on Fire setting the noise is the loudest. It's just this...
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    Module Bucket List

    Since receiving the S1S0 I realized how much better the modded modules sound! Now that I've been bitten by the bug, and I find myself using every moment planning which modules to get modded first . . . but the choices !!! I would love to try the modules first but since I'm stuck in South...
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    NGD! 7string Loomis Sig.

    Hehehe, awesome! Can't wait 8)
  12. S

    NGD! 7string Loomis Sig.

    How's your freshly acquired The Pit sound like with the Loomis? I'm torn between ordering one of those or the Terrier2.
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    NGD! 7string Loomis Sig.

    Looks good:) Wrong way around though:P
  14. S

    Preamp tube suggestions

    My settings are Bass-about 10'o clock. mids-between 12 and 2'o clock ,and highs between 1 and 3'o clock. Density and presence very low. Gain between 9 and 10'o clock, boosting with a Metal Screamer(80's Tubescreamer re-issue). I cuts decently but the level seems a lot lower than the other...
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    Brown vs. SL+

    I have a Plexi and a Brown module. The Plexi has more clarity and a bit more oomph. As far as i understand the SL+ is hotrodded and would have a lot more gain and clarity as well as upper mids. Although . . . I would rather mod the brown into a Mash-all+ and get all the Marshall action:)
  16. S

    Preamp tube suggestions

    Hi guys, I've been having a problem with my stock Ultra module where i have to crank it about 1/8th more than my Recto to get it to cut more(at the same EQ settings) Might just be that the Ultra is supposed to be more compressed and a bit scooped, I don't know. This has gotten a bug up my...