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  1. SacredGroove

    MotorCity Mods - Exciting News !!

    The Maggie module and Evil Robot combo were very impressive. I checked them out last Sunday and I could strum or noodle for hours, it seemed. Very warm and articulate, or it can get a little gritty. Im thinking of getting one myself.
  2. SacredGroove

    Sacred Groove Mods - Lower Prices

    The SG30 has taken longer than anticipated, and one of the reasons is acquiring the right parts, in a timely manner. I apologize for taking so long.
  3. SacredGroove

    Hissing after modding

    Have you tried replacing the C1 cap with the original? Neither of these part changes should make that big of a difference in noticing more noise or hiss. Possibly the C1 cap because you're filtering out more low frequencies? Maybe the new cap is bad and allowing DC to pass into areas it...
  4. SacredGroove

    Sacred Groove Afterlife & Criminal

    This afterlife is a prototype/1st version, and differs from all others. The biggest difference is in the low end. The deep, low end is not the same on this version as all models that came after it. If whomever buys this wants it brought up to current spec, don't hesitate to contact me about it.
  5. SacredGroove

    Modding a 'Super V'

    Not knowing your level of "expertise" and the amount of work you're willing to do, my suggestion is to look into a XTC or one of the "rectifier" based modules . The Super V (and Top Boost) aren't the greatest platforms for simple modding from Vox tones to high gain XTC or 5150 tones. But that...
  6. SacredGroove

    Tonight in Fraser, MI 7-27

    Maybe I'll head up there? It's only a few miles away.
  7. SacredGroove

    what mod to do?

    C14 is the biggest difference between the TreadPlate and Grail. C14 is the Treble cap in the tone stack. If both modules had the same Treble cap they would sound nearly identical. I just modded one of each and it's still kinda fresh in my mind. :wink:
  8. SacredGroove

    black stripe ultra in the hands of frankenstein

    Those are all high-pass filters, so maybe they would benefit you with your low end issue? The freq's above the cut-off freq. will be retained at full gain at that point in the signal. The freq's below the cut-off freq. will be attenuated, or lowered in gain allowing for the signal to retain...
  9. SacredGroove

    black stripe ultra in the hands of frankenstein

    Like I mentioned before, it's not the place I would go to mod. But, if you want to try something there you could use your 470k resistor or a 1M resistor with the combos below. The higher the resistor, the more attenuation on the freq's below the cut-off freq. :) 500pF//470k=677Hz...
  10. SacredGroove

    what mod to do?

    The Grail has a slight mid boost compared to the TreadPlate. You can cure that with a 500pF cap at C14. The Top Boost can be gained down by populating R7. The documented mod calls for a 100k resistor (1/4W or 1/2W). If it's still too much gain then try a lower value, like 56k or somewhere...
  11. SacredGroove

    black stripe ultra in the hands of frankenstein

    R10 won't do a whole lot for you. You may notice a loss of some high end with a higher value resistor there, but on the Ultra R10 is probably the last place I'd think of trying to improve/alter tone, unless you have cap across the resistor. R7 is a Grid Leak resistor. It's often referred to...
  12. SacredGroove

    SG Bully

    That's how I feel about it too! Enjoy!
  13. SacredGroove

    NMD: Sacred Groove content

    Sorry I missed the other day. I probably won't come back until after the summer. But things could change to where I'm able and comfortable coming back sooner. I have a recording project that I'd like to start and possibly finish this year. Thanks!
  14. SacredGroove

    NMD: Sacred Groove content

    More tweak ability in not only gain but EQ too, with the tap of a foot switch. :wink:
  15. SacredGroove

    RT2/50 Weird Hum Problem

    When you plug a cable into input, is your guitar connected, as well?
  16. SacredGroove

    NMD: Sacred Groove content

    Thanks for posting Drew! It's funny because Drew was willing to ship his M4 to me so I'd be able to test the modules he ordered. Coincidentally, a m4 popped up in the classifieds about the same time, and I knew I had to have it. We both knew it was going to be a lengthy process, since I'd...
  17. SacredGroove

    SG MK22 is just the ****!

    Wow! Thanks Jace, and everyone else replying. The MK22 is definitely special. Thanks for posting those pics Drew! I forgot how cool they look next to each other. :D
  18. SacredGroove

    SOLD JF SuperClean, Voodoo mods Mark

    The green strip in the middle was actually an accident. I was planned to use green, but the way the design and layout fell into place was pure accident. I liked it and sent it to Jace for approval, and apparently he liked it too... :D
  19. SacredGroove

    Look what came home today. SG content.

    If nothing else, it's make for a versatile Lead module. The "looseness" mentioned is, IMHO, the epitome of sponge, and works well on both channels. Enjoy Steve! :D
  20. SacredGroove

    FS--SG The Judge SOLD
