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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. O

    XTC - $110 Shipped - ***SOLD***

    Payment/PM Received...SOLD
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    XTC - $110 Shipped - ***SOLD***

    NO PM's in my inbox...sent you a PM.
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    XTC - $110 Shipped - ***SOLD***

    ***SOLD*** XTC module...bought used off this forum about 1 1/2 years ago. The unit has a blue LED and I do not know if it is modded in any other way. The module sounds great, and I assume that it is stock except the LED. This was my main lead module, but since I got an Axe-FX all my MTS...
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    WTB Recto and XTC modules

    I have an XTC I'm selling...PM Sent.
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    FS: XTC and Plexi...$115 - RM4 $450 Shipped!

    I put the prices in the post for a reason. Please don't PM with low-ball offers and ask if I will ship overseas. Thank you.
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    FS: XTC and Plexi...$115 - RM4 $450 Shipped!

    Bump for price drop
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    FS: XTC and Plexi...$115 - RM4 $450 Shipped!

    Brown is Sold...
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    FS: XTC and Plexi...$115 - RM4 $450 Shipped!

    Brown (SOLD), XTC, and Plexi...$115 each. RM4 - Year old, in a rack since I got it in new. No rack rash/Near Mint. $450 Shipped. Pics available upon request.
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    FS: Brown, RM4, UltraXL, Plexi, XTC, MiniMix II, MPX-1

    Bump for price drop...
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    FS: Brown, RM4, UltraXL, Plexi, XTC, MiniMix II, MPX-1

    I REALLY hate to do this, but times are tough, and I need the cash. I have an Axe-fx that will cover all the bases until times get better and hopefully I can get back into the MTS gear. Anyways, here is what I got. Not interested in trades for modules. The Ultra Lead is modded by Pete, all...
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    Just a heads up to anyone thinking of trying 6v6's...

    I talked to Bob at Eurotubes before I got a quad of 6V6's for my Mesa power amp. He had me take the plate voltage and email him the results...from there, he sent out a quad that would work for the voltage since the Mesa has fixed Bias. Highly recommended...
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    FS: BROWN, JTM, and Plexi modules ! !

    Still got the Brown? If so, i can pay via paypal ASAP. Matt
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    Tweed to JTM mod

    Sounds very cool! Please post a list of parts, or a 'how to' when you are done because I would definately want to give this a try.
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    new module sneak peek

    Summer NAMM=July 17-19
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    WTT: Blackface for Tweed - Found

    Found me a tweed...thanks.
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    What sound/mod you would want from disliked clean module?

    An old school Dual Showman
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    RM4 / Behringer FCB1010

    Make sure they are both on the same midi channel...RM4 usually comes on either channel 1 or 16. Use can get a FCB1010 PC editor that makes changing the midi channel extremely easy at: After you set the correct midi channel...
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    By the way- pickups best for basswood?

    I like Dimarzio evolutions in basswood guitars. Also, if you are wanting something less 'hot', I've had good luck with Dimarzio Freds and Air Nortons.
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    I have a problem with me effects loops

    If I recall, the default setting on the gmajor is -6db on all presets. You may want to check this, if you haven't changed it, you will definately notice a volume drop. Just a thought...