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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
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what was/is the situation with the footswitch for my rm22?????

It looks like Midi..but it's not.

I want to channel switch via midi and it looks I'm gonna have to get into some deep stuff to pull that off. Or is there an easier way???
I'd love to channel switch via a relay (in my Gmaj2) but there seems to be no info at Randall on how to do it (Id have to somehow get to the audio signals and re-route them...)

any help appreciatted

I think i remember him saying he didn't design the rm22, you might check out amp gizmo, they probably have a midi option.
Im talking to them..awaiting some news.

..but even if Bruce didnt design the rm22...what about the footswitch?? Its in use on several Randall amps..so probabaly more than a few people need help with this.

any responce appreciated from Randall or Bruce or anyone who worked with them...


I see you have actively asked several times about MIDI switching on amps that were not designed for it. I am not an expert on MIDI, but I'd like to provide some insight that you may find useful and help explain why you aren't getting the help you seek.

Amps in the MTS line were either designed for MIDI or Relay based switching. They are completely different designs and accomplish the switching differently. The amps that use MIDI actually have dedicated MIDI PCB boards inside that were designed specifically for that particular amp model by Axess Electronics (outsourcing).

It appears to me that you have been inquiring about trying to MIDI switch MTS amps that use relay-based switching, correct? The RM22 uses relay switching and a unique 3-pin cable to allow for channel switching and individual boost switching for each channel.

If you want to use MIDI with that amp, your options will be limited.

Axess is now out of business and they were one of the best resources in the industry for custom MIDI solutions like you seek (I used a product from them years ago to switch a VHT I owned via MIDI). The GCX may be able to accomplish what you want, but I would think it would require custom cables to be built for you. I have not looked into it specifically, but that's my thoughts based on my history with using the GCX a few years back and my understanding of the RM22 and it's foot switching design. Unfortunately, I don't currently own either product to do any testing for you.

I did just log in and look at the RM22 schematics and I second the belief that Bruce did not design that model.
Rob & Bruce in your corner, I like your chances of a solution.
GtrGeorge, Like I said in the other topic: the footswitch is a modified RF3. Probably the chip is just programmed differently, but it does not conform to MIDI standards.

Bruce: perhaps it is possible to create replacement chips that will work with proper midi? That would rock!

If you need gutshots of the amp and/or footswitch let me know.
did you read that last post????

If you offer that Chip-fix, you sell a good number of them. Iwould be VERY, VERY interested.
Please reply here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I see a schematic is floating around..and thats great.
Thanks to all who took the time to write here.......I thought I was all alone on this.

I still have the rm22 and would still like to make it midi...I think that would be GREAT...and I dont think I am alone on this!!!

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,any follow-up would be great.

GtrGeorge! said:

I see a schematic is floating around..and thats great.
Thanks to all who took the time to write here.......I thought I was all alone on this.

I still have the rm22 and would still like to make it midi...I think that would be GREAT...and I dont think I am alone on this!!!

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,any follow-up would be great.

I believe I posted regarding this about 2 months ago elsewhere for you. It's been well over a year since I last looked into an RM22, but I believe the switching system is relay-based. As such, it's not a simple thing to implement a MIDI solution without a lot of work. The current switching design would have to be bypassed, a MIDI board would have to be specifically designed/programmed/installed (if the space even permits) and the power supply would need to be able to supply all of this.

I know it seems like a simple request, but there is really FAR more involved than you might think on the surface. Your request is a valid one, but these things are typically far easier addressed via and external solution than trying to redesign an amp from the inside.

Again, I don't have an amp here to confirm any of this so please take it for what it is. I just want you to understand why this request may have flown under the radar and the possible scope of such a demand.

All the best,
thanks for your reply..

ok I get it...its a very big deal to remedy this.

..hence my post re: possibly selling my rm22.
Because of the lack of midi its not that good as a live amp for me. Ireally thought it would be THE go to amp for my live gigs. fwiw: I tried a rm50 combo and It just never felt right for me....but at low volumes the rm22 was just heavenly.
On the remedy: I contacted SWEETWATER and also sent emails to a company that makes outboard solutions to stuff like this...RJM is their name I think...no replies from either.
And even if RJM has a solution with their "Music Gadget" its about $300 to overcome this problem.
I don't know.....MIDI has been in use since 1985....I would think that it wouldnt have been all that expensive to put it in the RM22...They got so much else correct.
But its all good.....things happen.
Thanks again Jaded for filling in what the manufactures seem to overlook. You're a seriously good dude.
The RJM mini amp gizmo is the best solution for you (I say this because Ron will build you a custom cable to work for your amp.).

Some possibly cheaper options would be a used Axess CFX-4 or an old Rockman midi octopus. These both come up on ebay from time to time.

There's a CFX-4 on the bay now: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Axess-Elect...840?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e70a756f0

I used the Rockman midi octopus for years to control channel switching in various non midi amps. Keep in mind, with either a CFX-4 or midi octopus, you will have to build your own custom cable.
Thanks for the input
RJM has not returned my inquires, and SWEETWATER hasn't either..I do understand it will take a custom cable and part of inquiry to RJM was "how much for the cable"?
A month has gone by..and no answer from either. Which is odd because Sweetwater is usually better than that.

The RJM product is somewhere around 300 and the cable might be around 80
...the amp is worth about 400...
kinda gets me pissed to double the amount of cash to get proper channel switching.
And not to mention this expands my set-up and breakdown time.
but thanks for the suggestion..it is so far the only solution that might actually WORK.
I'm surprised RJM hasn't gotten back to. Try calling maybe? the amp gizmo is 229.00 and they made me a cable for my old TSL100 for about $25 a few years ago. If it was me, I'd get that CFX-4 on ebay and make a cable myself.
I totally understand your frustrations and I'll bet most of us have been there at least once before: You find the PERFECT gigging amp only to have it not work out due to one snag in the design. Unfortunately when it comes to something like this, it's not just a simple "mod". In a design as crammed as the RM22, retrofitting MIDI is really hard to do internally. On top of that, you need to be able to program the MIDI to make the amp do what you want, which is often outsourced to a small handful of companies in the know. Axess was amazing for these solutions before they closed up shop.

The CFX-4 that a link was posted for will likely be your best bet. I used those successfully for many years with my own amps as a work around for not having MIDI.

I fully agree: MIDI is excellent and a long-established standard. It probably should have been a part of the RM22 in the first place. Unfortunately that wish may cost as much or more than the amp is even worth.

I'd take a serious look at that CFX-4 if I were in your shoes.

Good luck and I'm happy to help in any way I can,
..except for one snag.."

I will google the CFX you mentioned..I dont know what it is but I will look at it..
If I already own a ground control and a GCX do I need it???

GtrGeorge! said:
..except for one snag.."

I will google the CFX you mentioned..I dont know what it is but I will look at it..
If I already own a ground control and a GCX do I need it???

Interesting question. I would think you could use the GCX's switching functionality to accomplish your switching needs. I'll bet you would only need a custom cable built. Same as the CFX-4 would do.

Just FYI: Axess shut down a while back and researching it on the internet may be frustrating.