Cat Fight - Any guesses on the winner?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Below is an RM100 with two EL34s and two 6CA7ss with a Mamba SE in the middle - going toe to toe vs - Mesa Dual Rectifier Roadster (FJA Modded) with EL34s...

And yes, I know the Mamba SE is based off a Framus...But here's the thing, I like modded Recto tone- tight and mean...I started to think it was the one kinda tone lacking in MTS (or was I just getting too comfy with how awesome it truly is?) ... So I acquire this Mesa Roadster with FJA Mods and fitted with EL34s and put it side by side with the RM100 with an amp switcher to go back and forth and......

Any guesses on the results thus far? I am letting my ears adjust before I post my conclusions....
The FJA mods sound monstrous and the Roadster is a good amp.

As much as I love MTS, I predict the Roadster wins this.
I always wanted to play an FJA Mesa.
ex-MTSer Mailman sweras by his FJA Recto...but I don't think he ever played a Mamba...
Anything Mesa with EL34s just isn't butch enough-low end falls apart. Maybe E34Ls might be good. In addition my buddy has the most heavily Voodoo modded Dual Rectifiers I have ever heard-still not impressed.

I heard your RM100 with that tube combo. My money says your Mamba kicked the sh!t out of that Mesa.

PS was the tube screamer in the signal on both rigs?
JKD said:
The FJA mods sound monstrous and the Roadster is a good amp.

As much as I love MTS, I predict the Roadster wins this.

The FJA Mods are pretty sick, I must admit I was a bit of a doubter but am a believer now!

audiomidijace said:
I'll bet that the GT-10 Recto preset direct through the P.A. takes 'em both by an inch! :lol:

I couldn't actually say as I have never even tried a GT-10 recto preamp...I also have no intentions of doing so... :twisted: Do not insult the Mamba like that. Please!

LoD21 said:
Anything Mesa with EL34s just isn't butch enough-low end falls apart. Maybe E34Ls might be good. In addition my buddy has the most heavily Voodoo modded Dual Rectifiers I have ever heard-still not impressed.

I heard your RM100 with that tube combo. My money says your Mamba kicked the sh!t out of that Mesa.

PS was the tube screamer in the signal on both rigs?

I don't know...The 6L6s just sounded overwhelming...The EL34s just sound right...There's no audible loss of low end anyway as I had to tame it with the 6L6s anyway...Plus, the FJA mods are designed to hold the low end tightly together...I'll probably go back and forth between 34s and 6L6s for recording but my overall fave is the 34s...I was kinda surprised as I was always a Mesa = 6L6 guy...

As for the screamer, it's just in front of the Mesa...The GT-10 is boosting the front end of the RM100...
LoD21 said:
Anything Mesa with EL34s just isn't butch enough-low end falls apart. Maybe E34Ls might be good. In addition my buddy has the most heavily Voodoo modded Dual Rectifiers I have ever heard-still not impressed.

I heard your RM100 with that tube combo. My money says your Mamba kicked the sh!t out of that Mesa.

PS was the tube screamer in the signal on both rigs?
I'd tend to agree here. But I know FJA stuff is awesome. Tough call.
gag halfrunt said:
LoD21 said:
Anything Mesa with EL34s just isn't butch enough-low end falls apart. Maybe E34Ls might be good. In addition my buddy has the most heavily Voodoo modded Dual Rectifiers I have ever heard-still not impressed.

I heard your RM100 with that tube combo. My money says your Mamba kicked the sh!t out of that Mesa.

PS was the tube screamer in the signal on both rigs?
I'd tend to agree here. But I know FJA stuff is awesome. Tough call.

I hear ya, Mesa is American metal and was built with 6L6s...But the Roadster accepts either with the flick of a switch...I go back and forth but overall like the EL34s...

I should mention that the Roadster has a Brit mode that, with the 34s, does a great low gain plexi...The big and/or vintage recto tones come from Channels 3 and 4 and they are monsters no matter which so I just stick with the 34s...Channel 1 is among the nicest cleans I've played too. I wish I had a stock Roadster to compare it too but FJA simply made this thing ridiculously awesome...
LoD21 said:
and so what's the verdict? Mesa or Mamba?

The MambaSE held it's own VERY well. But, I think think the Framus character is what made it slightly less powerful than the FJA Mesa...Much closer than I expected and, at first, I actually liked the Mamba slightly better...

But, for my Mesa recto tone, it's no surprise I like a Mesa Recto best...It's just got so much raw power...
i actually really love the EL34 or E34L on the go to tube when i had 'em. Little less low end but the mid-range snarl was addictive.

The only thing I've had that came close was my original Pete modded Recto Orange/Red and in a slightly more modern version I had a Pete modded Grail with the same options.

Who knows where those modules are now....great sounding though.
JKD said:
i actually really love the EL34 or E34L on the go to tube when i had 'em. Little less low end but the mid-range snarl was addictive.

The only thing I've had that came close was my original Pete modded Recto Orange/Red and in a slightly more modern version I had a Pete modded Grail with the same options.

Who knows where those modules are now....great sounding though.

We think alike! Uh oh! Be afraid!!!! I just sold off my Gigmods Recto (Red/Orange) - but the only reason I did it was to help fund the Mesa. I also found it to be the best standard recto tone for what I wanted...

I say, "for what I wanted" because the other modders' rectos are all great too - they just model different flavors...
I did try the Mamba thru the Mesa power section. It was cool but the same differences were there...The low end on the mamba became sooooo much with the Mesa power section that I had to dial the bass on the module almost entirely back to get a usable level...Once I got into some weird settings, I opted to cease the experiment.

The bottom line is that I have discovered that MTS can do anything. I would be willing to bet that my non-playing friends couldn't tell the difference.

Believe me, this recto was no simple acquisition and I wanted it to kick the **** outta the MTS stuff to make me feel justified...Let's just say that didn't happen but I'm still keeping the Mesa!
Did you trade that Mamba for a Custom3++? :shock:

I've had FJA GAS for awhile now, this whole thread doesn't help matters...
LoD21 said:
It's always best to keep what you can just in case ya know :)

I've certainly done my fair share of that... :lol:
crankyrayhanky said:
Did you trade that Mamba for a Custom3++? :shock:

I've had FJA GAS for awhile now, this whole thread doesn't help matters...

Wow, word gets around here fast! Yes, I traded the Mamba for a Custom 3++ ... In all honesty, I LOVE that Mamba but don't see myself or anyone else using it with this Mesa right here...

Hate to say this Ray, but your FJA GAS has merit. His work is pretty amazing and doesn't take away from the character of the amp, it just takes out variables like fizz and mud...I played a standard Roadster the night before this one arrived and like mine much better with the mods...The original is amazing in itself but can lose clarity at high gain and high volume...Not anymore...

Sorry to feed your GAS... :D
LoD21 said:
Hey Matt which FJA Mod did you get?

1. The roadking/roadster mod(s) - Which is a lot of work
2. Push/Pull Gain Boost on Ch. 4
3. A special depth mod for newer Roadsters

It's a killer amp to begin with and FJA just puts it over the top...It doesn't lose any Mesa positive characteristics- it just keeps the Mesa flaws at bay...i.e. fizz, muck....

Come on over and hear it!
Mattfig said:
LoD21 said:
Hey Matt which FJA Mod did you get?

1. The roadking/roadster mod(s) - Which is a lot of work
2. Push/Pull Gain Boost on Ch. 4
3. A special depth mod for newer Roadsters

It's a killer amp to begin with and FJA just puts it over the top...It doesn't lose any Mesa positive characteristics- it just keeps the Mesa flaws at bay...i.e. fizz, muck....

Come on over and hear it!
I wouldn't mind crashing that party... :D I've wanted to try a good Roadster for quite awhile.