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Killer Deals on New MTS Amps!!!

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Call them up, thats what I did. If you are interested in a deal on an RM50 combo PM me. I will be selling mine.

Here is a link for their contact info
I really only 'need' a new head, but sometimes they have equivalent combos for the same price or even lower than the heads, even with shipping. It would be like getting a G12T-75 and reverb tank thrown in free!

Man, I hate having tough decisions like this.

The deals are actually quite good if you call them....I'm on the fence about the matching 4x12 cab for the Ian Rm100 I just bought. It's so cheap it's hard to resist....
If it's shipped USPS the brokerage may not be that much as compared to it being shipped UPS. Let's just hope it gets to you in one piece!
JayDA said:
The deals are actually quite good if you call them....I'm on the fence about the matching 4x12 cab for the Ian Rm100 I just bought. It's so cheap it's hard to resist....

How cheap is cheap? I might have to call today and order a cab. I'm trying to figure out which one though!
Hmm, interesting. The Randall website states the Scott Ian cab is loaded with (4) Heritage 30 speakers.
4 x 12" Straight front, equipped with 4 Celestion Heritage 30s. Made with the best quality Baltic birch. Heavy duty removable casters. Scott Ian Signature graphic steel grille.
?4 Celestion Heritage 30 speakers
?120 Watts power handling
?8Ω Mono
?Made with the best quality Baltic birch
?Scott Ian Signature graphic steel grille

There is no Heritage 30 listed in Celestion's current catalog, but if it's a true "Heritage Series" speaker, it's made in England and higher-end than the "Vintage Series", such as the Vintage 30's, etc. made in China. This is where things get curious...on Celestion's website, they show the G12H as being a the "Vintage Series" speaker (Anniversary Edition), most likely made in China.
- http://professional.celestion.com/guitar/products/classic/detail.asp?ID=7
- http://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/celestion-g12h-30-watt-anniversary-vintage-guitar-speaker

Celestion doesn't have the G12H listed in the "Heritage Series" section of their website, but it IS here:
- http://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/celestion-g12h-heritage-guitar-speaker-8-ohms

As you can see, the TRUE G12H Heritage Series 30W speaker is much more expensive ($80 more/each) than the Vintage Series G12H, and is made in England. If this Scott Ian cab comes loaded with Made in England Heritage Series G12H 30W speakers, it's worth it just for the speakers!

Dude, you gotta find out if it comes with the MiE G12H or the MiC G12H. If it's got the England ones, I'm buying one!!!

Ok, the only thing to consider here is this...a 120w cab is technically pretty under-rated to handle a 100w tube amp head. 100w is the RMS rating for the head clean. As soon as you hit distortion you're pushing 150w+ and it would probably be recommended to use a power brake so you don't blow your speakers. If you're staying in the low-low volume area, you're borderline...but anything above 5 is probably really taking a chance (others w/more knowledge feel free to weigh in please if I'm talking out my a$$). Seems silly to me they would select speakers rated this low for an amp they know guys are going to be shredding on.

On the bright side, you could always stack 2 of those cabinets and CRANK AWAY! At these prices, WHY NOT?!?! :twisted:

' Manufactured in Kentucky, USA [the SI-412] is made from highest quality Russian Baltic birch, has a heavy duty powder coated steel grill and most notably is loaded with Celestion Heritage 30?s, not the standard greenback, these are the famed G12H(55). Scott went thru over five prototypes until we got just the right resonance to complement Scott?s legendary right hand rhythm crunch. '

Dude sweet! Yep, made in Kentucky, and the no-sh*t Heritage speakers. Anything less than $800 for this cab is an absolute steal (hell it's worth PLENTY more than that!!!). Funky doesn't have them in stock, but can place an order to Randall and have them shipped to you. I'm getting one, mainly for the speakers. Might frankenstien a couple pairs of donors into it and sell it to someone cheap (or might just ROCK the SH*T OUT OF IT :twisted: ) Dang man, why oh why, are there so many good deals, and so few paychecks in a month???
Thanks for posting this thread!

I've been trying to convince a good friend of mine, who does production work in Vegas, to hop on the modified MTS train for almost two years. He purchased an RM100 with three modules shipped for $849! That is insane!
Freakin AWESOME Mike!!! Wow, I mean, I know guys have paid a lot more for some of this stuff (myself included) so I hope noone feels bad...it was worth it at ANY price we paid man, this sh*t rocks! But for those in the market right now man, this really is the first and last time you will ever have the chance to get into it at these kinda prices. Leaves plenty left over for 2 Channel modifications to your amps or to get those modules tuned up! If you're still on the fence, my guess is supplies won't last too much longer.

Just got off the phone with U.S. Music in Chicago and got the scoop on a few cabinets I asked about. This is just what U.S. Music has left in the warehouse, dealers might have a few more items in stock themselves.
-RS412KH100 Kirk Hammet 4x12 Cabinet (4) G12-H100 speakers - 10 Left
-SI412 Scott Ian 4x12 Cabinet (4) Celestion G12H(55) Heritage Speakers (speaker made in U.K.!) - 5 Left
-RV412S-100 4x12 Straight Cabinet (4) G12-H100 speakers - 10 Left
-RV412A-100 4x12 Angled Cabinet (4) G12-H100 speakers - 10 Left
-RV412S 4x12 Straight Cabinet (4) Vintage 30 speakers - 10 Left
-RV412A 4x12 Angled Cabinet (4) Vintage 30 speakers - 10 Left

If you're looking at an RV series cabinet, you probably still have some time and the price will probably come down some on these. I asked why the RM100C 2x12 Combo amps are being sold so low and was told they just want to move them. Most people seemed to opt for the smaller (lighter) RM50 1x12 Combo or the 100W head, so the combos didn't sell too well. He has none in the warehouse, so what the dealers have left is it. The RM100C 2x12 combo is currently cheaper than a 100W head, is exactly the same amp as an RM100, and comes with 2 G12T-75 speakers. It's like buying an RM100 head for less money, and getting 2 free $110 speakers. But unless you REALLY want the combo, it's probably not worth modifying it into a regular RM100 as those are available so cheap! I personally LOVE the 2x12 combo...just seems classic to me...big heavy beast!

Well, I didn't ask about numbers on the amps, but I'm sure they are dwindling. These prices have really only been this low for a couple days, and they're starting to move them.
Oh yeah, Randall is hoarding the modules and trying to move all the amps first, so I expect those to dwindle the fastest. Dealers are also running out of the loaded amps fastest because Randall is hoarding the modules. Not sure what their plan is for the cabs and modules, but I'm sure the amps won't last long, especially if they cut any lower. The cheapest I saw the RM100's sell for a few weeks ago when I first noticed U.S. Music liquidating stuff was $815.99 for an RM100 w/ no modules, and I was really kicking myself for not buying it. Guys are getting these for $850 shipped w/ 3 modules now! RIDICULOUS!!! And the unloaded amps are selling for less than $600. Holy Sh*t, for a 100w tube amp?! Congrats to anyone that stole one of these so far :twisted:
Seriously.. I was wondering why the 2 x 12's were going for the same or less than the 1 x 12!! I seriously considering another just because the price and because you can even sell the modules for a couple hundred and that is money saved on the amp. Pretty freaky.. if i were in the states i'd jump on it for sure. Shipping scares me to Canada for a huge combo.
Yeah, those RM100 combos are pretty hard to resist at those prices....but my buying spree is over....I hope....
seanh303 said:
Oh yeah, Randall is hoarding the modules

This is interesting. They must have thousands of modules, if not more, in stock. If they drop the prices down to $100 or so, I'll probably grab three or four, just to use as future donor modules.
Oh my, when those mods go for sale it's gonna be a madhouse...I've been trying to get The Nuts from Funky but don't want to pay more than 150 as I know it's about to take a dump....Wait, that sounded weird...
After reading all of this, at first I couldn't understand why Randall would be hoarding modules (or anything MTS for that matter), since they've supposedly only got until April per the licensing agreement to sell whatever stock they have.

But yeah, I think that makes sense the more I think about it . . . if they sell out of modules first, it's going to be harder to sell empty amps with no more modules available to put in them. So as long as the amp buyers know that there will be modules available soon, getting the amps out there now and THEN dumping the modules is probably a good move, no?
I'm game for the mass module frenzy once they become available but like Sir Fig the Seeker, I will not pay over 150$. I'd grab a Grail, Scary, and 1987 if I could score one. I'd love to line up a superV but I'd have better luck getting a topboost and modding it. Oh and when the empty 50 heads go for 350$ THEN I'll grab one :)
Yeah, the modules definitely have the lowest production cost per unit and therefore the highest profit margin. I'm sure they want as much of the big stuff as possible to move first to minimize their losses on those items. Even if they let the modules go for cheap cheap they will lose little in labor or materials on them....they're trying to get the big-ticket items sold first, so a guy buys an amp instead of 8-12 modules for the same money. They know people want the modules to plus up their collections and to use as donors, and are exposed to little (if any) capital risk with them at this point. All of the guys with a couple hundred lying around that couldn't justify springing on another amp will snap up cheap modules in a heartbeat, while those with a little more cash handy right now will find it impossible to resist paying 50% less for a couple of amps and cabs that cost double that for the last 5 years.

I personally can't wait for the buying frenzy on the modules. I'm already calculating how many meals a week I can skip in order to save money to buy more MTS gear. Man, I already have a 2x12 combo, but they are getting so effing cheap that I can hardly keep my credit card in my wallet!

If there are any "Must Have" stocker modules, I'd say $150 is a good drop point to buy it if it's signature, or $100 if it's regular stocker. Damn fair compared to last week, and then you won't risk missing out on it. Otherwise, I would expect them to drop below $100 before April, so if you don't care what you get just to stockpile donors, I'd be wanting to pay less than $100 each. The price of the loaded amps compared to unloaded already works out to $100 per module (Unloaded RM100 is $300 less than RM100 loaded w/3 modules). The percentages for the markdowns are consistent across the board also, with the exception of the 2x12 Combo which is 77% off MSRP, while everything else is hovering around 70%. All will most certainly drop lower...but will the item you want still be available??? So far the RM100C 2x12 combo is the only thing to fall less than what I paid. I bought it for $588 shipped 2 weeks ago. They were down to $534 shipped yesterday (back up to $588 today). Another guy here bought it for $500 last month. $450 and I'll probably have two. I've almost talked myself into another one already. Someone would have a very kickass christmas present, $500 for spare parts is 2 there-and-back shipping charges for warranty service, etc. etc. etc....oh yeah, it's cheap! Best reason :twisted:

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