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Killer Deals on New MTS Amps!!!

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I got so wrapped up thinking about cheap modules, I forgot to mention I added links to some of the best priced gear on the first post. I am aware of some of that stuff being sold cheaper, most of which you can see posted on the previous threads. Some of it I've bought cheaper too. for example, I bought the RM50 50w Head Unloaded 2 weeks ago for $470 shipped, so I wouldn't pay a penny more than that for an unloaded head, and add $200 if you buy it loaded, or $670 shipped. One guy got it for $700 shipped which is dead ballpark (within 5%). If you can get it within 5% of the lowest known selling price it's damn fair and until Randall knocks another 10% or more off their price lists, probably the best deal you could hope for!

$467.77 was the cheapest price I saw an RM50 offered for about 6 weeks ago when the first items were liquidated on Amazon, so I offered a dealer $470 when I found the head I wanted and they bit. I just didn't realize the market would be flooded with them the next week, or I would have waited for a loaded one! Just let me know if you have questions about anything else I've bought. I think if you pay what I paid or what some of the other posters recently paid, (+/- 5%) you will be extremely happy.

If you get any info in talking to the dealers about #'s of items remaining, post them here and I'll add them to the first post. They have a list of everything in the computer that tells how many of an item are remaining in the warehouse. Funky and U.S. Music gave me the exact same numbers for everything I asked about. If you ask how many of an item are left they will tell you what's in the system. Anyway, it's 6am here and I still haven't slept yet...whoever said this stuff was crack was NOT lying!!!
I wasn't aware that these were the cost of amps SHIPPED. That's a crazy deal for US buyers. I can't wait for some of the canuck shoppers to chyme in on what it cost to get the amp... if shipped includes shipping to Canada i'd be ok with the likely 60$ customs fees (i paid about 120$ on a 1200$ amp)

Hey, any line on 2 x 12 speaker cabs with heritage 30's or V30's?
My loaded RM22 they pulled the deluxe/XTC
added Judge, Scary shipped USPS to Canada For just under $700
Dangit, I can't stop myself! I threw a lowball offer of $747.77 shipped out there for the Silver RM100KH loaded Kirk Hammet head, and they accepted it!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Randall-RM100KH-Kirk-Hammett-100W-Guitar-Amp-Head-RARE-SILVER-/220938598665?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3370f77909

Man! What the h*ll am I gonna do with 2 Kirk Hammet heads???? You guys gotta help me out so I can stop buying this stuff!!!
seanh303 said:
Dangit, I can't stop myself! I threw a lowball offer of $747.77 shipped out there for the Silver RM100KH loaded Kirk Hammet head, and they accepted it!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Randall-RM100KH-Kirk-Hammett-100W-Guitar-Amp-Head-RARE-SILVER-/220938598665?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3370f77909

Man! What the h*ll am I gonna do with 2 Kirk Hammet heads???? You guys gotta help me out so I can stop buying this stuff!!!

Sell it to me :lol: :shock:
You like the silver one? You could probaby put an offer in for one of the Black RM100KH's in the ballpark of $750 and get it (maybe less!). There are a few of them left it seems. Crazy! That's the most expensive RM100 head they made. I guess the price was so high becuase of the $$ they had to pay to Kirk, plus it comes with upgraded pre-tubes compared to the others.
Wow, some crazy deals happening. I'm having trouble keeping my Visa in my wallet. I have learned one thing in life though...it's only a good deal if you actually need it. I already own 2 RM100's and I think these days my money needs to go towards the modded modules. Still tempting to give Funky a call though!!!
JD said:
it's only a good deal if you actually need it

Yeah, I'm stockpiling way more than I need or could use. It's as addicting as Coca-Cola in 1892. I don't plan to keep everything. I don't mind sitting on it for awhile, but I probably will hook up some local cats whenever they can come up with the $$. I'm sure there's plenty of folks that would love to take advantage but just don't have the cash right now, so I will pass on the deals to them whenever they can afford it (not for a profit). I'll definitely want to get close to breaking even, maybe my cost (-) shipping I paid or something (for local sales).
The Rossness said:
$500 shipped for an unloaded RM100.Is that good?

Hell yeah that's good! That would be 72% off MSRP. Most of the stuff is hovering around 70% off MSRP. 77% off MSRP would be $414.00, and they have accepted offers of 77% off MSRP for some things.

It could be days, or could be weeks before Randall issues a new price list authorizing lower prices. They guarantee a certain percentage to the dealers for making the sales, so their price lists are the result of them calculating how much profit they're willing to lose out on, or how much net loss they're willing to accept for each item.

The best deal on an RM100 I know of so far has been $849 for a loaded head (-) $300 for the modules ($100x3) = $549 for the unloaded RM100 shipped. You could possibly get it cheaper. Offer $414.00 and see what they say. But +/- 5% of whatever the bottom is on the price list is still an excellent deal. I don't know for certain 77% off MSRP is the bottom, that's just the most I've seen anything let go for so far. I made an offer that was 81% off MSRP and it was rejected, offered 77% off for the same item and it was accepted (offers were within $20 of eachother). It's not hard facts by any stretch, but is pretty telling nonetheless.

A week ago $500.00 for a brand new RM100 was unheard of! If they don't give it to you for $414.00, it's still a great deal, or you could wait to see if they're still around if/when the prices drop again.
Yeah i'm going to have to pull out the credit card myself. Very cool of you to share this info! Very appreciated!
Mike P said:
seanh303 said:
Oh yeah, Randall is hoarding the modules

This is interesting. They must have thousands of modules, if not more, in stock. If they drop the prices down to $100 or so, I'll probably grab three or four, just to use as future donor modules.

I have the price and stock list from Randall and I can tell you with certainty they are not hoarding modules. Most modules are completely gone with Randall. The only "regular" modules they were still in double digits on were the Plexi Plus and the Blackface. The only ones they have any decent numbers of left are The Judge, the KH, and the Scott Iam modules. And by "decent numbers" I mean they had in the 30's left of each, but that number was from last week. I'll bet all in all there are less than 300 modules total, and most of those are KH, Scott Ian and the Judge.

I am/was a dealer for these but am almost completely sold out of everything except an RM100 and a 4x12 cab so this isn't much of a SPAM post here.
HAs anyone called musicians friend or any other store that gaurentees the lowest price to see how much they will beat the funky monkey prices by?? :shock:

I was tempted, but they don't ship Randall products to Canada.
It's worth a shot asking any dealer to price match. I'm going to pick up another head and cab here shortly.
GuitarGuyLP said:
HAs anyone called musicians friend or any other store that gaurentees the lowest price to see how much they will beat the funky monkey prices by??

Guitar Center/MF will only match ADVERTISED prices (I'm not sure if this applies to Ebay auction "Buy It Now" prices or not). This means that they WON'T match a price that is simply quoted to you by another dealer. One caveat sometimes is if you get the quote in writing, but usually when it's firesale prices, GC/MF will just pass on the sale rather than give you their "110% Price Match Guarantee". They are pretty much counting on never having to beat the MAP (Manufacturer's Minimum Advertised Price) by more than 10% (which leaves plenty of profit compared to dealer prices)...since other dealers contractually can't advertise below the MAP. During the U.S. Music sale on Amazon last month, some items were discounted 48% from regular price at the checkout screen, but you could only see the discount at the very last point before completing the purchase. Since the price was not "advertised", GC/MF would not match/beat it.

Interesting. The thing about Randall "hoarding" modules came from another dealer, but I didn't inquire as to how many remained. Perhaps Randall is not necessarily holding a stockpile themselves, but rather preventing dealers from selling the ones they have left stupid cheap/fast by setting a high minimum sale price in the dealer price list. For example, by not allowing an individual module to be sold for less than normal, a person could get 3 stockers for ~$600, but if you buy them loaded in an amp, you get 3 modules and an amp for ~$800. This seems to be why they're restricting the major price cut of the the modules...whether loaded or unloaded, they want people to buy the amps first.
seanh303 said:
You like the silver one? You could probaby put an offer in for one of the Black RM100KH's in the ballpark of $750 and get it (maybe less!). There are a few of them left it seems. Crazy! That's the most expensive RM100 head they made. I guess the price was so high becuase of the $$ they had to pay to Kirk.

That silver one is badass. 8)

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