Mod to make XTC less mid-heavy?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Does anyone happen to know what components on a XTC's board affect the mids? I want to make the voicing less mid-heavy. I thought maybe okstrat or some of you other knowledgeable members might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Also, has anyone changed the bass cap in a XTC to .001? Is it an improvement over the stock .022?
yup I have and I preferred it. I also did some mid and treble swaps but I dont remember what I did. :D so I will look tomorrow and post back...
although there are other areas to work with the capacitor behind the trebel tone pot has the most effect. I dropped mine down to a 100 pf and now run my mids at about 2 and it seems right. Stock the mid knob no matter where you really have it seems like a ton of mids. So I dropped it a lot..and use the knob. It shifted it way to the right so now the treble has a lot of factor in the sound now. Anyway I really dig it with the 001 in C3 and 100 pf right behind the treble pot! Give it a try!
Will do! Thanks again!

BTW, I'd still like to hear other opinions if anyone's so inclined.
Jeff's answer is spot on. There are other places to change frequency response, but do you really want to do all the math to calculate effects of changing cathode resistors and bypass caps, or bypass caps on the plate resistors, or changing the coupling caps? Changing that one cap will do a lot to the mid response. You might want to buy a few values and experiment, see which one you like the best. 100pf is a great place to start though!

I personally *like* the mids in the XTC, but you may not need the same amount of 'out front' that I like when I gig. Tones that sound better to me on their own sometimes get lost at a show, and I primarily use my MTS stuff to play out with.
