When will there be some new modules?

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harsh said:
As a business, Randall should realise that if people are sending their modules to modders, and mainly requesting tightness, attack and clarity - that is what needs to be addressed. After all, they do not want a reputation of - "Yeah Randall came up with a great idea, but you always end up having to get the modules modded outside to get a good tone".

Hmm here's a nice counter

I ride a bike, ....'racing' bike

now why didn't they (Suzuki in this case) ship it with programable ECU, carbon graphite wheels, fully customisable progressive suspension, quickshifter, etc

..Your answer?
Nightdare said:
harsh said:
As a business, Randall should realise that if people are sending their modules to modders, and mainly requesting tightness, attack and clarity - that is what needs to be addressed. After all, they do not want a reputation of - "Yeah Randall came up with a great idea, but you always end up having to get the modules modded outside to get a good tone".

Hmm here's a nice counter

I ride a bike, ....'racing' bike

now why didn't they (Suzuki in this case) ship it with programable ECU, carbon graphite wheels, fully customisable progressive suspension, quickshifter, etc

..Your answer?

i don't think we do anything any different than anyone else. keeley mods boss pedals, fja mods peavey amps, voodoo mods just about every amp, dunlops mods pedals, people swap pickups in the guitars...it seems the "big thing" right now is to have something "modded" otherwise it's uncool. regardless-

we have done modifications since the modules first came out. the lynch modules have been tweaked to current "spec" (long story...), the slplus has the jcm800 mod done to it, we have changed the c3 value on a number of them to make them tighter, the list goes on and on...there have been refinements over the years. apparently...we haven't done enough.

judging by the praise on this forum...things are going okay for the most part.

i am not going to take part in agruments on way or the other on this topic anymore...but i will say we do appreciate you guys. we really do.
Nightdare said:
harsh said:
As a business, Randall should realise that if people are sending their modules to modders, and mainly requesting tightness, attack and clarity - that is what needs to be addressed. After all, they do not want a reputation of - "Yeah Randall came up with a great idea, but you always end up having to get the modules modded outside to get a good tone".

Hmm here's a nice counter

I ride a bike, ....'racing' bike

now why didn't they (Suzuki in this case) ship it with programable ECU, carbon graphite wheels, fully customisable progressive suspension, quickshifter, etc

..Your answer?

That's smart :shock: . I can't possibly respond to such an intelligent statement - you win.
this is getting stupid. Its gotten down to us, the members on the boards (Who by the way are customers) are apparently a fucking anomaly in the market who dont actually represent what customers ( like ourselves) want, therefore Randall is going to give us what we arent asking for.

Arguing about it now is just stupid
srrdude said:
this is getting stupid. Its gotten down to us, the members on the boards (Who by the way are customers) are apparently a f&*king anomaly in the market who dont actually represent what customers ( like ourselves) want, therefore Randall is going to give us what we arent asking for.

Arguing about it now is just stupid

Heh..calm down man!

All Steve is trying to say is that a handful of players on this forum doesn't necessarily represent the entire population of MTS customers......

Randall certainly does listen to it's customers and don't forget that no-one forces 'em to participate on here at all.
RD/Steve said:
all this over one engl module srrdude?


no its not over an ENGL module at all, thats silly. it could be anything. Its the simple idea you suggest that randall doesnt want to give what people seem to want because we should just fork out a few hundred buck to simply mod are existing modules to be the way we want. That option and avenue is great to have and those guys do great stuff, but we still want randall to produce that stuff at the factory.

Personally, i wanted a 5150 module and an orange rockerverb. Realistically i dont ask for it because i can hardly tell the difference between an ultra xl (which i own) and a 5150 and i dont think orange would be popular enough. However, since i want an ENGL also and funkymunky has told me their customers wanted an engl and that randall was workin on an engl and that people on the boards have been asking for an engl, that one seems more reasonable.

If i seem angry, and im not its just a messageboard christ, its because now my expectations for another module are low. Dont release an acoustic module or some stupid **** like that.

Now i said i was done arguing because clearly its falling on deaf ears, you've made it clear what we say here isn't of any particular importance.
in no way shape or form have we suggested that "randall doesnt want to give what people seem to want because we should just fork out a few hundred buck to simply mod are existing modules to be the way we want" nor have we "made it clear what everyone says isn't of importance." quite frankly, I take offence to that.

seriously, i am now done with this conversation. sorry folks.
RD/Steve said:
in no way shape or form have we "made it clear what everyone says isn't of importance." quite frankly, I take offence to that.

seriously, i am now done with this conversation. sorry folks.

those interested in the new modules coming out, feel free to pm me. i'll fill you in.

dont take offense to it its not a personal attack and if you gonna quote me, use copy and paste so you dont do it wrong. Im not trying to make these personal here, what i said was not "made it clear what everyone says isn't of importance" but "what we say here isn't of any particular importance."

So if your offended because i say randall doesnt listen, you just misunderstood, what i said was randall doesnt place any particular improtance on the requests on the forums, which i think you established 2 pages back.

Now if thats not what you mean, im sorry i got it wrong. Seriously dude, not trying to offend you, heat the topic or aything like that. I really appreciate that you are around to answer questions and let us know what is goin on but what you have said, at least to me (and i could be wrong) seems like a big **** you and your desires from randall to the boards.
The question is How much Hi gain can they do?
and make it sound different .
According to George Lynch's tech the Grail IS a Early Racktifier/Engl hybrid.
But there the 1086 ,Ultra ,Ultra Xl, Grail.

Steve is right .I was bugging him for a black alligator tolex option ,but the truth is how many would sell? , would most guys pay an extra $150 or $200 probably not . It is a business and we probably represent 10% of the MTS owners .
harsh said:
That's smart :shock: . I can't possibly respond to such an intelligent statement - you win.

I wish, because I'm still figuring out why the aftermarket stuff is cheaper than the OEM :wink:

Anyways, point being: every product can always be improved upon, and every manufacturer chooses a middle-ground
Randall isn't the oddball here
dear srdude,
I really don?t understand you. You wanted something special, but quick and cheap. Where are you living? Because it looks, that is totally different universe.
In real world, if you want something special, you?ll pay special price too. If you don?t want to accepted, you can move to Pluto or wherever....

Only crying that everything is too expensive, btw in Czech was price for stock module 300-350bucks, complete MTS rig (RM4, modules, RT2/50, box) cost about 5000!!! In US you can have EVERYTHING for 30% of EU prices. Only you must be a bit active (ebay, used gear etc). For europians you look ridicoulous and lazy.

for example this year I bought two used modules for $50 and $70, If you send to salvation, you can have Rockerverb for $300-350. Still too much? For custom two channel module????? You are CRAZY and please stop spaming forum with all these bull*hits!
hyenik said:
dear srdude,
I really don?t understand you. You wanted something special, but quick and cheap. Where are you living? Because it looks, that is totally different universe.
In real world, if you want something special, you?ll pay special price too. If you don?t want to accepted, you can move to Pluto or wherever....

Only crying that everything is too expensive, btw in Czech was price for stock module 300-350bucks, complete MTS rig (RM4, modules, RT2/50, box) cost about 5000!!! In US you can have EVERYTHING for 30% of EU prices. Only you must be a bit active (ebay, used gear etc). For europians you look ridicoulous and lazy.

for example this year I bought two used modules for $50 and $70, If you send to salvation, you can have Rockerverb for $300-350. Still too much? For custom two channel module????? You are CRAZY and please stop spaming forum with all these bull*hits!

Dear hyenik:
You are right, you don't understand me. At all. I dont want something special, i want new stock modules. I really dont care what things cost in the Czech republic and good for you for finding 50 dollar modules if i happen to see one (and i check local ads and ebay EVERY DAY) i will certainly snatch it up however in the "real world", $50 dollar modules are few and far between.

Thanks for the personal attack, its appreciated AND constructive.
YOU dare to use word "constructive" ??? :shock:

Sorry for my personal attacks, I?m just stopped.
Live in peace and harmony forever :-*
hyenik said:
YOU dare to use word "constructive" ??? :shock:

Sorry for my personal attacks, I?m just stopped.
Live in peace and harmony forever :-*

Yeah im pretty bold in what i "dare" say on the internet, despite the serious business it is.

And i accept your apology.
this is crazy and i think most of the people involved in this one are really not getting what i meant . like the dudes suzuki thing. was it advertised as something its not?, i think these high gain modules are . i wish not to modify something at all but if it doesn't have the gain as advertised what am i to do. now here's where everyone is like dude my gain on my xtc is at like noon and it's heavy as hell or wow man i put the gain on my sl+ at 11 o clock and my pants are rattling i think i cold peel paint of the walls :roll: this is not the case and you can't get brutal with but about 2 of these "high gain" modules unless you boost them and that 's not high gain. that's what you do with a jcm 800. anyone on here playin modern heavy metal , death metal hardcore whatever you want to call it will agree which i know on this board theres probably only a handful. now engl is super high gain with balls , attitude clarity and heaviness like nothing thats been done yet. it 's pretty much the must have tone for guys like me, so i figured since randall high gain mods have fallen short for most everyone, i mean why would you need to mod to specs that people do if it already had it. it probably too late for this post but please, realize that modules like the sl+ , recto, xtc, modern, mr.scary, grail. 1086, kh-2 ect. are not high gain modules they are mid gain, the ultra, the xl and the kh-3 are high gain although the latter could use about 20 percent more. that what mines getting modded for
anyone on here playin modern heavy metal , death metal hardcore whatever you want to call it will agree which i know on this board theres probably only a handful. now engl is super high gain with balls , attitude clarity and heaviness like nothing thats been done yet. it 's pretty much the must have tone for guys like me, ..

so buy an ENGL
gtr31 said:
anyone on here playin modern heavy metal , death metal hardcore whatever you want to call it will agree which i know on this board theres probably only a handful. now engl is super high gain with balls , attitude clarity and heaviness like nothing thats been done yet. it 's pretty much the must have tone for guys like me, ..

so buy an ENGL

fortunately randall doesnt have that attitude since...ya know they LIKE having customers otherwise im sure maximus would just buy an engl.
My point was more if you want something that specific .its best to get that amp .

Perhaps I am wrong ,but the words he used were very clear .He wants that EXACT tone .

Randall IMO will not achieve that. the mods will get you closer, but to the guy who doesn't need clean, bluesy or variety ,

why not save yourself the frustration or waiting for someone to make something you already have available to you ..

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