When will there be some new modules?

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didn't mean to offend anyone but whatever. there are many high gain modules out there but are they really high gain. 1086 sounds good but you have to mod it? or boost it,lets see, recto has unusable gain not bad boosted though. that's just 2 examples of high gainers not cutting it stock for most everyone based on comments and evaluations.the 1086 is the probably the most popular modded module yet, the ultra and the xl are the only true high gainers available. a true high gain amp has more gain than you would need or use, like say 5150's or vht's rivera's, kranks or engls, deizel's etc. kh-3 is close but still not quite enough. i love the amp and some of the modules, but everything i have is modded. maybe i was too harsh but i've owned most of randall's ss amps and although overall they can't hang with an mts amp they still have killer grind which is why i always buy randall :twisted: i "wholeheartedly beleive" we need an "extreme" engl savage module :twisted:
max...these are in your applications, not everyones. keep in mind this is a company and we try to appeal to the masses...not to max alone. certainly, each of us here at Randall have our own opinions and would love to make specific modules for specific amps. i personally love the fact that it is extremely easy to send a module to any one of the guys that mod them, and have them done to YOUR needs. (it's relatively inexpensive considering)

but when it comes to creating new product for the world to use...there is a little more 'business' involved when doing so. (don't get me wrong, i think a engl module would be cool, but from a business stand point...may not be the best decision.) you dig where i am coming from?
RD/Steve said:
anyone think yngzaklynch wants a new module? :lol:


see below response. it's a shame.

Ya know I read what you wrote before you deleted it :wink:

I already said if people want specific tones there are now four or five people/companies who can get you there....plus with Gigmods/Salvation the cosmetics/customization are way above what can typically done inside a volume production/market demand enviroment..Randall is a business after all.

..we really have it good in MTSland these days...imagine how it used to be....heck my first Recto module had a 0.0047uF cap and a 470Ohm (?) resistor in it and sounded truly horrible by comparison with the Grail...Randall really kicked off the mod scene with the R1 and C3 mods back then :D
RD/Steve said:
max...these are in your applications, not everyones. keep in mind this is a company and we try to appeal to the masses...not to max alone. certainly, each of us here at Randall have our own opinions and would love to make specific modules for specific amps. i personally love the fact that it is extremely easy to send a module to any one of the guys that mod them, and have them done to YOUR needs. (it's relatively inexpensive considering)

but when it comes to creating new product for the world to use...there is a little more 'business' involved when doing so. (don't get me wrong, i think a engl module would be cool, but from a business stand point...may not be the best decision.) you dig where i am coming from?

I think everyone understands that. In fact, i think the people here EXPECT that randall will produce modules that they are asking for (which happens to be ENGL most of the time around here). Now i suppose Randall could just blow off peoples requests and bring something way out of left field that no one cares about like say... an acoustic module, i dunno, or they could finally make a **** ENGL module and shut the boards up. Its great that salvation and gigmods mod and do great stuff, but i think most people are hesitant about sending a module to the Czech republic and lets face it, pete is highly in demand his waiting list is too long for some.
agreed,, i was just saying i think there's only 2 maybe 3 high gain modules stock,2 are almost the same and the rest are mid gain advertised as high gain. i know its a business and all that but most requested module is an engl. if peope knew they could get that tone without spending 2 or 3 grand to get it they'd be all over it. imo it would be the best selling module of all time and people would be coming over left and right to get in the mts game and we all know once your in you can't get out, cause they always comeback :wink:
max...i understand you and srrdude like the engl thing. like i said...it would be cool addition.

but...and i hate using that word, there are other people interested in these modules as well despite not being part of this forum. some of which...own music stores and tell us what people are asking for. dig? there is more to the "business" of randall than this forum. sad..but true.

this forum is an amazing place. all of your thoughts are appreciated...good or bad. i am hugging my monitor as i write this thanking each of you for being part of it.

i ask you look at the whole BIG picture, and take away wants. unfortunately...that is the reality here.

(on a side note...i am equally as disappointed the "criminal" aka "5150" has yet to see the day) i will say this though...doug is actively seeking other "avenues" for module development besides randall itself. i hope the dream becomes reality. just wait...oh boy...just wait.
good lord, what are people in stores asking for- Sam Ash gear like Line6 and Burgera? Somebody cough up the cash to procure these independent modders on a full time basis!
crankyrayhanky said:
good lord, what are people in stores asking for- Sam Ash gear like Line6 and Burgera? Somebody cough up the cash to procure these independent modders on a full time basis!

Crankyhanky win.
McBurgera is bad, Ray? ;)

and I agree with RD/steve, it is not possible to satisfied everybody. for example our samples, everybody wanted, and one of first reactions are - better solo sound, what about another speaker, why is not this, that riff etc ;)
And we are in similar situation, only we invest our time (randall must invest also money ;) So we try to do so good samples is possible (wide covered, catchy, significant...) believe me, if I would do samples only for me, will be different ;)

But with MTS system you have the chance!!!! Ok, randall maybe not producing exactly what you want, but exist more "modders", and they can do exactly what you want. You only pay a bit more, like everywhere for special custom work (guitars, amps, cars,....)
srrdude said:
crankyrayhanky said:
good lord, what are people in stores asking for- Sam Ash gear like Line6 and Burgera? Somebody cough up the cash to procure these independent modders on a full time basis!

Crankyhanky win.

as does salvation, friedman, pete, voodoo, and all the others.

I don't mean to make you feel ganged up against, but these boys have a point. Randall made their name on high gain and with the MTS series they have a real opportunity to outdo Mesa, Engl, etc. As for the clean tones - IMHO, I think there are too many clean modules already. How many kinds of clean does anyone really use anyway?

Here's a simple analysis - whats the most popular module? Its the 1086. What sets it apart from the rest is the heaviness, tightness and clarity. What does it lack - gain, which is why a lot of people have to boost it, or send it to modders.

As a business, Randall should realise that if people are sending their modules to modders, and mainly requesting tightness, attack and clarity - that is what needs to be addressed. After all, they do not want a reputation of - "Yeah Randall came up with a great idea, but you always end up having to get the modules modded outside to get a good tone". Also, IMO using an overdrive to get a decent amount of gain from a (perceived) high gain module is a bit lame!

I think Pete and Salvation are absolutely brilliant. Maybe Randall should really think about bringing people like them on board!

I just wanna end by saying I dont mean to offend you guys in any way- this is a great product but definitely can be #1 on the market if user opinions are actually taken on board.
i hear you.

funny thing is...we could come out with an engl module...and people will STILL send it for mods. it's just the nature of the beast. (1086 is not the most popular module by the way...at least as far as sales goes, which drives business...)

we respect all your opinions, and will continue to listen to the mts lovers. appreciate the thoughts.
RD/Steve said:
i hear you.

(1086 is not the most popular module by the way...at least as far as sales goes, which drives business...)

Really? Just out of curiosity, what is the highest selling module?
If I had to guess, I'd say it's one of the standard series, because of price and one of the Marshall variants because of the broader appeal. Maybe the JTM?

I have to agree with Steve, someone would want to mod anything they came out with, post clips, wax poetic and then it's viral from there.
George Jetson said:
someone would want to mod anything they came out with, post clips, wax poetic and then it's viral from there.

You just summed up the whole Marketing industry with that statement :lol:
harsh said:
RD/Steve said:
i hear you.

(1086 is not the most popular module by the way...at least as far as sales goes, which drives business...)

Really? Just out of curiosity, what is the highest selling module?

I bet it's the Plexi- I've bought and sold it like 7 times already!

My comments about Brgera and Line6 are meant as a slight against the masses, not Randall...in business you have to butter the bread!

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