Your go-to module(s)

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No I didnt..I dont like using outboard gear that much...I just dont see the point.,just too much other good sounding stuff out there to justify it to me,and the way i see it,why spend the money on high dollar modules,etc if you have to use stuff like that??....I do realize that with higher gain stuff you run the risk of noise,etc with some things....but in my experience,and not being one to have to crank the gain to get what I consider a good/heavier tone,Ive had alot of success with the Salvo stuff as a whole....i was just saying comparatively,meaning compared to the others I have had or owned in the past,the XTC is a bit noisier,but still very usable..and was told by the guy I purchased it from it was more of a product of that particular circuit design....He told me this becasue he got the info from Anthony...said he was going to send it to be updated,but Anthony told him it probably wouldnt help..but you know,that's just me..i know alot of guys use the Decimator or Boss Noise supressos....Ive bought modules on here that were exptremely noisy and the guys I got them from would tell me they never noticed becasue they use them....which is ok if that workss for you....just doesnt for me with th etons of other options out there....
Graham Pearson said:
I've spent some time reading all the posts in this topic to see if there's anything of a consensus on High-Gain, Mid-Gain, Low-Gain, and Clean modules. Bottom line is this. Just about everyone has a different preference in each of these 4 classes.
2 Salvado Deluxe
1 JF The Pitt
2 Hilly Scorch
1 Mash-Oldano
1 Voodoo HG Jose
1 JF Brahma
1 JF Stein
1 EG5
2 Scary
1 S1S0
1 Ultra
1 Kranken
1 Voodoo Sear
1 JF 1959RR
1 Deadplate
1 Angel
1 1086
1 Voodoo Brahma
1 JF Mark X
3 JF Erect
1 SL+
1 Voodoo UG Jose
1 Mamba SE
1 GM Mark

2 SG MK22
2 JF 1959RR
2 JF Mark X
1 GM Modern
1 JF Brahma
1 JF Stein
1 EG3
3 Judge
1 OD Special
1 Stoneverb
1 GM Recto
1 Voodoo Recto
1 Slavado DLX
1 Voodoo Scary
1 Salvation Stoner AD
1 Ultra Lead
1 Hilly Snorkeler
1 S1S0
1 JF SL-OD100

1 JF Recto
1 JF Modern
1 Deluxe
1 GM Plexi
1 Friedman Plexi
1 Hilly Snorkeler
1 Mash-All
1 Top Boost
1 GM Brown
2 SG MK22
1 Brahma
1 Plexi

3 Clean
2 Brahma
1 Blackface
1 Salvation LoneClean
1 JF Blackface
1 Salvation Stoner AD
2 KH-1
1 Rectified
1 GM Plexi
1 SG Deluxe
2 Super V
1 Twinface
1 Deluxe
2 GM Blackface
1 Voodoo Super V
1 Figmods Clean
1 Top Boost
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And they are always changing. I went back through as well & noticed my post. At the time, Mar 2011, I only had the Judge, Scary, & SL+ (maybe the Grail to??). Now if I were to answer this:
High Gain - JF SLOD100 (JF59RR is a close 2nd & sometimes interchangeable).
Mid Gain - JF 59RR MKII
Clean(ish) - Brahma (JF59RR comes in a close 2nd here as well. Mainly because I like the midgain &high gain tones of it more than the Brahma :D )