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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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1) you keep the shipping boxes from EVERYTHING you buy, just in case you may have to send it back for "repair", knowing in the back of your mind you just want the box to ship the item in when you're ready to sell it off for something "better"

2) you have guitars hanging on the wall you haven't played in 3 years...

3) You have no reply when one of your wife's friends asks why you "have so many guitars"

3) Each time you purchase more gear you tell your wife "it's an investment"

4) You buy a new amp, it's sounds better than anything you've ever played, yet you're still listening to clips from other manufacturer sites.

5) You excersize the 45 day return policy from Musician's Friend 3 or 4 times per year, and it's not due to damage or malfunction....

6) You have at least 40 preamp and power tubes laying around...

7) Your music room is 15' x 15' , yet there's only room for one person to play at any given time.....

8) You've run out of room to store your guitar cases.

and finally....

9) You're on a first name basis with the UPS and FedEx drivers.

How about this. I made a tool to open up boxes without creasing the cardboard. Yeah, and sometimes I buy two of something, so I can keep one in brand new unopened condition. Oh, it goes on and on.
... you register as the domain for your new blog. :)

(Seriously, just saw this thread... but I really did buy the domain... still in the process of moving material over from my old website.)

#'s 2 thru 4 and 7 describe me perfectly.

BTW does the "It's an investment" line work on anyone's wife. Mine never seems to fall for it :? have to "hide" purchases in the trunk or walk them directly past the Misses and then tell her "Oh that old thing, I had it for years" spent over a grand on something but have to say that You got a great deal for only $200.00!!!
I have done them all.........Yes......GUILTY!! 8)
^^^ you have to "hide" purchases in the trunk or walk them directly past the Misses and then tell her "Oh that old thing, I had it for years"

Yep, Done that on more than one occasion too :lol:
SEE!!! I just KNEW there were "others" like me!! haha!
My neighbor thinks I am nuts. Then again he plays a $150.00 bass and complains about the HIGH COST OF IT!!
True Gear Junkies BUY FIRST.....ask no QUESTIONS LATER!!! :roll:
I can take it one step further.......I already have one piece "Sold" before I even got it in my hands thru the mail to buy the next thing that I just saw on the internet and HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!
I bought things......never opened them.......and turned around, used the original pics from when I bought it to re-sell it! **** YOU EBAY!!! hahaha 8)
OK, I think you may have me there

All I got to come back with is I just bought a Lynch Box, a Blackface and an SL+ and all I can think about is how much I NEED a Mr. Scary and an XTC. I haven't even got the other stuff yet.
Oh man....its bad. I just recently started getting into the Egnater Modules. Just got the Mr. Scary, The Erect, The EG5 and the KH3.....all within 2 weeks! This module stuff is kiling me! But also the GREATEST Amp I have ever owned! I got the Lynch box and matching cab and cant believe on what I was missing out on all these years with "Boutique" amps. This Randall just slays them all. One stop shopping! :D
Tell me about it. I've had my eye on one of these for a year or so and finally decided to take the plunge. I was planning on just getting a RM50C. Should have know that wasn't gonna happen.

Now I need to figure out what pedals to buy as well. Coming some SS Amps I've never had much need for a Pedalboard before. Oh well, more toys.

I'm dying to get a Mr. Scary. I'm trying to wait it out on here to see if someone has one to sell Vs buying one from Musiciansfriend or Samash. You know?
I was pretty lucky. I just posted a Want to Buy add on the classifieds and have bought 3 modules that way. I am good friends with the manager of my local music store and he let me borrow about 6 modules to take home for about a week to try them out. That was great. I really got to open them up with no pressure of someone standing behind me. I am selling my 1086 module right now on ebay and this ads here. That thing is killer. That was the module that made me BUY THE LYNCH BOX! But I just bought the Egnater EG5 and that sounds better to me, but for the past year that was all I played was the 1086 module and the Grail module. I love the ability the Randall amps give to get different sounds from the same amp! Must be popular if Lynch and now Hammett are jumping on the bandwagon. I am sure you will love them all. Rest assured. And if some reason you dont care for the tone, you can trade or sell any module very easy on this site or ebay. Its TOO EASY!! 8)
Yeah it gets bad. I sell off them about as quick as I buy them and keep the ones I love. Some guys here KEEP THEM ALL! I was talking to the one guy and he said he had over 12 of them! I want to wittle it down to about 3-4 even though I have owned over 10 of them since I bought the amp. Alot of them sound the same with "SLIGHT" variations but for me I want the ones that are way different sounding. The Mr. scary has its own sound. So does that 1086. The Brown sounded like the plexi, which sounded like the SL etc.....but I usually play with alot of distortion so that makes a big difference I guess. Still this amp is a great deal. Wouldnt trade up for nothing. I just went thru 5 different heads until I got the Lynch box. Then I even bought 3 more heads while I had that! SOld them off after I did the A/B test with the Randall and it came out the winner EVERY TIME. Really is a powerful amp that sounds great. :D