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  1. 6

    Getting into bed with a MTS Series???

    You guys REALLY need girlfriends.
  2. 6

    Which module does Scott Ian use?

    The new guy is pretty much a Bush clone, from what I've heard.
  3. 6

    I have a problem with me effects loops

    I've yet to try anything in my effects loops that sounded good.
  4. 6

    Dave freidman Mod????? ***UPDATE***

    There's a real good chance that Dave doesn't do all these mods himself. Could be that he has hired help and they follow his "recipe". I don't know that for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised. The guy is swamped with work.
  5. 6

    What modules would you like to see in the future?

    A Warren module wouldn't sound any different than a Lynch module. Those two used the same amp on many recordings. :lol:
  6. 6

    XTC vs Mr Scary

    I don't know why people don't like the XTC for rhythms. I think it's great for rhythm AND lead. Compared to a Scary, the XTC is bassier. However, the Scary has that killer raw, clear growl. I prefer the Scary, but they'd both be great for 80s stuff.
  7. 6

    Help... My baby doesn't love me anymore. Broke down today...

    I'd be willing to bet it's one of the internal fuses for the fillment supply for the power tubes. The same thing happened to me three times. You'll have to pull the chassis out to see (Be VERY careful! Lethal voltages inside!). It's a 10 amp slo blo fuse. Jeff at Egnater told me to step up to a...
  8. 6

    Which module for Richie Kotzen tone?

    I agree. I think any of the hot-rodded Marshall mods will get you close. I think in Kotzen's case, the guitar is a bigger part of the equation than the amp. Then again, I guess it would depend on which Kotzen album you're trying to emulate. He's used Ibanez RGs, telecasters, strats, etc. and...
  9. 6

    FS: Line 6 MM4 with expression pedal

    I'm selling my Line 6 MM4 modulation modeler (the blue one). It's in excellent condition. There's only a couple of small scratches in the front. Power supply is not included (I never had one. I ran it on a Onespot), but you can run it on C batteries. I am including the expression pedal, which...
  10. 6

    RM100KH +Mr Scary+ Greenbacks =?

    I would imagine if you want to really nail the Lynch tone, you'll need to switch to EL34s. An all maple guitar and George's fingers wouldn't hurt either. :lol:
  11. 6

    What mod for a testament tone?

    I believe Eric Peterson used the Fender EVH amps for that album. Maybe a KH3 or a modded 1086?
  12. 6

    HELP!!! RM100 powers up, but no sound on 'PLAY'. GUT PICS

    Are your tubes lighting up when you turn the amp on? If not, it's probably the fuse inside the chassis for the tubes. I have EL34s in my amp, and was having trouble with a fuse blowing repeatedly. Jeff from Egnater told me to put a 15 amp slo-blo in there (the original is a 10 amp) and so far...
  13. 6

    Thinking of selling all MTS one shot.

    Why are you set on selling them all in one shot? If you broke them up, you'd not only get more money, but you'd sell pretty much all of them anyway. Something to consider...
  14. 6

    Large comprehensive Mr. Scary Sound Clip

    That's why the Mr. Scary is my favorite module. It's so versatile. All through the range of the gain knob, there's great tone.
  15. 6

    salvation mods - website updated

    No, no. What he's doing is incorporating the identical components of the preamp he's striving to recreate. :lol:
  16. 6

    1086 with gold face

  17. 6

    salvation mods - website updated

    That's killer, man. Love the Dave/Marty switch. Your friend is a great player, too.
  18. 6

    New RM-100 Owner

    Welcome! Enjoy the amp!
  19. 6

    Blew the same fuse AGAIN.

    Update: Came home tonight and turned on my amp. Guess what? The fuse blew again! I'm so over this. Maybe I'll look into sending the amp to Bruce Egnater. Someone mentioned a mod he did to their amp that eliminated the fuses or something. Or maybe I'll just go back to the good old Peavey amps...