My tone search continues...

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
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Sydney, Australia
Ok so basically I love the search and I have a feeling it will never end. I was wondering if others may have some input in my quest please

Now... I looooove rodded Marshall. Friedmans work just blows my mind like no other but I just can't seem to tighten the sound up enough. I can get so close with the Black Eye but not for the project I'm about to track. Basically I want a Black Eye with the feel of Jaded Faiths Quickmod which is outstanding, tight, stiff and extremely unforgiving which is how I like my metal tonezzz.

I listed my modded modules so you have an idea of what I dig and yeah, they all serve a purpose.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Black Eye
Benzin Koda
Xtacy 2
Angel B
Jaded Faith
Pinyourwings (and justice for all)
HG Jose
Sacred Groove
The Judge
Appetite mod

I might add I own lots of heads also as well as an axefx2... Naturally I can nail the tone on the axe but it's still not the clarity I can get when tracking with mts.
Just a dumb thought on my part...
Ive been drinking scotch tonight so...
Just a thought..
Have you tried running one mod Panned hard left and another hard right?
Ive done that several times - blending two mods on a rythym track (one left and one right) and I was quite happy with the results. ! A very unique mix of tone :)

But im new at all this stuff so youve probably already been there / done that.

Cheers !
That's exactly how I like to track, I'm not a fan of splitters and I can't stand the sound of quad tracking. Usually on heavy or melodic passages like chorus' breakdown sections, I run a third track though and don't have it lock in as tight as the other 2... I place it right up the middle but down in the final mix to really beef it up and sound nasty. It always sounds horrible on its own and it always looks dirty eq-wise, I stick to a solid state, generally speaking its a Marshall 8100 or a Madison Prophecy that I use in those bits.

I will use the Black Eye boosted with a rat on the left but I'm having trouble getting that grind to track fast enough. I have already decided on the quickmod on the right also rat boosted.

I wonder if I sent it away I could have it cloned to another module but modded with more options similar to the quickmod. Maybe it's the compression Splawn amps carry and Friedman seems to stick to an organic kinda feel.

Maybe I should run an eq as well as the boost and dial out more lows, god damn...

Needless to say this is driving me crazy.
Honestly... i have that Mr. Boga... Not trying to sell you on it.. but damn that thing is tight and agressive..

Might be what youre looking for ? Think Mamba but tighter/punchier and more trebly (If you want that)
Actually - now that ive reread your message (Damn Scotch)...
The Boga is tighter, punchier, and more presence... think metallica Kill em all kind of marshally tone...
I'm not sure what class it falls into but the base modded JF Mr Scary I have does that sort of thing to my ears. It's why I sold you the Friedman HBE. I just found it tighter and more of a versatile mod than the HBE. I had Alex from this forum come round last week and he played some downtuned riffery thru it and it sound awesome. I wish I'd set up a mic and recorded some of it.
I'll go listen to some demos of it if can find some, maybe that's what I'm searching for! I hate recto/cobra voiced tones though, I don't keep the mamba for myself, way too fizzy for my liking.

I'm definitely searching for that tight, unforgiving feel. Technical Death riffing to put it bluntly, gain is rolled back also.
If you can lay hands on one, test drive a T-Rex M.A.Batio overdrive pedal. I bought mine specifically for tightening up high gain amps, which it does almost TOO well.

Any chance of basically using a pedal out front or EQ in the loop to basically tweak what you have?
@Davetheslave I still love the HBE!!!

Just for what I'm going for is super tight, seems like the only module that gets close to what I'm after is the quick mod. The black eye just seems to sag a little in comparison so I'm after another tone to compliment the QM.

@JKD I always run a boost... Generally a yjm308 or a rat depending on what I'm going for. I think an eq needs to be added into the equation also, you may have nailed it

I have the typical 808 and clones etc But they kinda don't do it for me.

That t Rex looks killer I must say!
ricknasty1985 said:
That t Rex looks killer I must say!

It's pretty sharp, both in looks and in sound. Of all the overdrive pedals I've ever used for tone shaping, only the T-Rex Batio and the Amptweaker TightDrive ever made me think, "Yikes, maybe there's such a thing as too tight!"
I'd say the JF Pitbull maybe what you're looking for. It's tight, aggressive, and can really crunch. The Pitbull is based on a VHT 50/ST, which is a high gain Marshall tone. However, I've never played a Friedman mod and have no experience with the JF Quickmod so I can't really compare the tone. VHT is known for being tight amps and this one is, but in a more organic way.

Another solution, plug your RM4 into a solidstate power amp. That will tighten it up. The Valvestate power amp may keep the tube tone but also track quicker.
I wasn't a fan of the JF Quickmod. To me, it was too soft and too forgiving. For that kind of tone, I'd look into getting a Salvo Terrier. Its tight, articulate and the least forgiving mts module I've ever played. The JF cali-mod is a lot more forgiving by comparison and sounds more like a modded marshall, while the terrier really has its own thing going on.

Also, for about the price of an MTS module, you could pick up a Laney Ironheart studio. Mine has tone for days, and judging by the tone you're looking for, I'd recommend it over any MTS product for a home use/ recording situation.
speed2dirt said:
I'd say the JF Pitbull maybe what you're looking for. It's tight, aggressive, and can really crunch. The Pitbull is based on a VHT 50/ST, which is a high gain Marshall tone. However, I've never played a Friedman mod and have no experience with the JF Quickmod so I can't really compare the tone. VHT is known for being tight amps and this one is, but in a more organic way.

Agreed. This is one of the best "under the radar" modules out there, and a longtime favorite of mine. I currently have one loaded into my RM100, along with an HBE and a Salvation Angel. It's a devastating combination.
Rising Farce said:
speed2dirt said:
I'd say the JF Pitbull maybe what you're looking for. It's tight, aggressive, and can really crunch. The Pitbull is based on a VHT 50/ST, which is a high gain Marshall tone. However, I've never played a Friedman mod and have no experience with the JF Quickmod so I can't really compare the tone. VHT is known for being tight amps and this one is, but in a more organic way.

Agreed. This is one of the best "under the radar" modules out there, and a longtime favorite of mine. I currently have one loaded into my RM100, along with an HBE and a Salvation Angel. It's a devastating combination.

And the thing is that it can be used for so many styles of music. I've used mine from RHCP to Winger to Grand Funk Railroad. I once compared it to a marshall JVM as a "do it all" module. I've come close to selling mine several times, but then I find a new tone that it can do.
"I might add I own lots of heads also as well as an axefx2... Naturally I can nail the tone on the axe but it's still not the clarity I can get when tracking with mts."
I have always been able to nail the tones with the digital models, but I have trouble with how it feels to my fingers. Does the AXEFX feel as good as the MTS stuff?

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