Rm100 no Sound

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Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Lake Hopatcong, NJ
Just turned on my Rm100 and when I turned on standby it popped. Now I have no sound, and first fuse literally was in pieces. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx :cry:
Sorry guys left to find a fuse. Should've taken one with me. Fuse by tube 1. Freaken Radio shack only has them listed in amps not ma. Only guitar was plugged in, rarely use the pedal. But when I do I plug it in before powering up. My little guy shut off power strip yesterday while I was playing. Turned amp off and waited five minutes before turning back on. Everything worked fine.
I've had the amp for two years and never had a problem with it. i have to shred on my old Crate GX130c now, until this problem can get fixed. Missing my Trilogy right now :cry: .Helps me release all my inner demons from work and traffic.
Thanks for the clarification. The fuses by each tubes bias point are there to protect your amp in the event of a failing tube. If you blow one of these (particularly bad enough to shatter the fuse), it's safe to assume you have a bad tube in that position.

You will need to replace the set, or at the very least, the tube that failed. If the amp is two years old and played regularly, it's probably a good idea to just change the whole set. You can always save the other three as spares to have around.

Don't try to replace the fuse and play the amp again. It will just blow again and could possibly damage something much more expensive to fix. Email me if you need more help or being from NJ, feel free to call and come by the shop if you want a little one-on-one walking through your amp.

Note: mA are just a subset of Amps. For example, 0.5A on the package is 500mA. The voltage rating matters as well. You can use something in the 400-500mA range in a pinch, as Radio Shack will be limited. McMaster-Carr is right here in NJ by me and they have all the fuses you could need. Again, call me if you need help.
Thanks Rob. I give you a call tomorrow and see if I can get off work early. I'm about an hour and half away. I can also drop off a preamp to get modded too, since my printer took a *****. Thanks again.