The Douchey Douchbag

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iekobrid said:
I haven't sung Kumbaya since my age hit double digits, and I have absolutely no intention of buying the world a Coke and keeping it comp-a-ny. I think disagreement can be useful and healthy and I probably enjoy a good argument way more than I should. (Just ask any of the women I've driven away.) :D

But there's a pretty clear line between expressing a reasonable brand preference opinion and maligning someone's business ethics and personal character. Making (not-so-)passive-aggresive comments about a modder then defending with "I've always shown respect and would buy from him again" reminds me of the old trope of someone criticized for using the N word protesting, "I'm not racist, I used to have a black friend at work!" And someone rationalizing "I've been around here a long time, I know the truth" -- in a thread where the majority of the posters (OP included) have older forum join dates than they do -- is just silly. (I'm paraphrasing here, of course. These are not direct quotes and i'm open to the possibility that i've grossly misconstrued things that have been said.)

That said, when Matt formally announces the new business venture he's mentioned elsewhere, unless it is something that has literally never before been attempted or conceived of on god's green earth I not only expect but encourage him to compare and contrast it to other products / services / methods that have come before. I welcome informed opinions and find identifying touchstones a crucial part of the purchasing decision process. :)

Good points and again, we're coming to kick ass?.No questions asked?It is all that and more in the product we have?.Nothing compares.

I'm just tired of lies being perpetuated?.We'll be offering something even my worst enemy will want so I feel confident in setting this BS straight to a certain extent. It has simply gone too far?.There is obvious BS being spread and I for one officially call BS?.

The truth and history are being rewritten by those who wish to change it. I won't let that happen.
Wow this has gotten pretty heated, I'm a noob here but I will give my .2cents

Matt firstly I would like to say congratulations on your baby girl.

Your post and videos are a great contribution to this site and I like your sense of humor you inject in almost all you do.

Even though you and I haven't directly communicated yet I can say by your post and video's you seem like a very cool guy.

I have dealt with Ross and bought a module from him and he is also a very cool guy and he too from his post has a sense of humor too.

I'm not trying to take sides in this but maybe let you know a few things Matt in regards to Ross.

When I bought Ross's Afterlife module I hinted about the possibility of buying his Salvation Camerock he messaged me back and here is paraphrased what he had to say:

As for my cammerock... It suits my musical style quite a bit more.
It has soooooo many different settings, it can do just about anything.
I've heard from CCV owners that its a dead on replica.
The only difference on mine is the color. I did a red faceplate and knobs. Its nicknamed the Cammered. I believe theres also an all-blue one floating around somewhere. I don't plan to ever sell mine.
Sorry. I too have played most of the modded mts mods and as far as
high gain marshall tone goes, the Cammerock, Custom 3 and Grail Tone are the best.

Those were Ross's words to me if he hated Salvation Mods he could have said so and slammed them in his private message to me about what mods are best he said his Camerock is one of his best modules and that he will never sell it.

Matt it was a private message between me and him and a recent one just before he posted his excitement for his new JF Douchey *********.

If Ross was up to no good and wanted to bash Salvation and he and Rob were cooking a scheme then why would he say that his Salvation Camerock and the Salvation Custom 3 are two of the best modules in his judgment and taste top buy out there he recommended them to me.

I know Matt you love your Salvation Salvado and that it is one of your favorite mods but here is something to think about.

Soldano doesn't have just one SLO 100 you can order the Van Halen version which is a mod they offer from stock or the George Lynch version or the Warren Demartini version or the Warren Haynes version or the Eric Clapton version or the Stevie Ray Vaughan version and can you tell me of all of these version of the Soldano SLO which is best? Could anyone for that matter? You see it boils down to taste and whatever makes on happy your Salvation Salvado does it for you to you it's the best for you and puts a smile on your face every time you play it, it makes you happy.
To Ross his Jaded Faith Douchey ********* SLO version is best for him and makes him happy because he likes his better than yours doesn't debase or take away from what you have is a matter of difference of opinion.

Ross had nothing but praise for his Camerock in his private message to me so I wanted to make you aware of this.

Ross is not a fan of Death Metal and I am, I am not a fan of Punk Rock but he is but both he and I have something in common we both love George Lynch and Soldano Amps!!! I respect that Ross has his own opinion and way of looking at things he is very picky about tone and knows what he likes as I'm sure you do Matt.

His input and Rob's tweaks and mods have intrigued me I will be ordering one from Rob but with my own faceplate and I have a idea of my own I would like Rob to do to it for my own version but does that mean if I have a different newer version than Ross's that mine is better than all of yours? No it's just tweaked for me and my needs. The same way Mike Soldano tweaked his SLO for all the above mentioned artist.

I think Rob's work is Awesome!!! And his post are always professional.
I have yet to see him bash anyone and he has always conducted himself in a very helpfully respectful manner towards all.

And not to play favorites I want a Salvation Mods Camerock and Custom 3.

I have an Idea I will start a new thread and it will be this instead of the one modders mods are better than another how about this.

If you could have one module for free that you have to keep and can't sell from each of the following mod guru's which would it be?

The Guru's Being in no specific order:

Anthony @ Salvation Mods
Rob @ Jaded Faith
Scott @ Sacred Groove
Trace @ Voodoo Amps
Jeff Hilligan
Pete Turley
Dave Friedman
Bruce Egnater
Mike Fortin

Please don't reply here on this thread I will post this under a new topic.

Matt and Ross your both Great Guys and lets caulk this up to a misunderstanding

Cheers Guys!!!
The Beast said:
Wow this has gotten pretty heated, I'm a noob here but I will give my .2cents

Matt firstly I would like to say congratulations on your baby girl.

Your post and videos are a great contribution to this site and I like your sense of humor you inject in almost all you do.

Even though you and I haven't directly communicated yet I can say by your post and video's you seem like a very cool guy.

I have dealt with Ross and bought a module from him and he is also a very cool guy and he too from his post has a sense of humor too.

I'm not trying to take sides in this but maybe let you know a few things Matt in regards to Ross.

When I bought Ross's Afterlife module I hinted about the possibility of buying his Salvation Camerock he messaged me back and here is paraphrased what he had to say:

As for my cammerock... It suits my musical style quite a bit more.
It has soooooo many different settings, it can do just about anything.
I've heard from CCV owners that its a dead on replica.
The only difference on mine is the color. I did a red faceplate and knobs. Its nicknamed the Cammered. I believe theres also an all-blue one floating around somewhere. I don't plan to ever sell mine.
Sorry. I too have played most of the modded mts mods and as far as
high gain marshall tone goes, the Cammerock, Custom 3 and Grail Tone are the best.

Those were Ross's words to me if he hated Salvation Mods he could have said so and slammed them in his private message to me about what mods are best he said his Camerock is one of his best modules and that he will never sell it.

Matt it was a private message between me and him and a recent one just before he posted his excitement for his new JF Douchey *********.

If Ross was up to no good and wanted to bash Salvation and he and Rob were cooking a scheme then why would he say that his Salvation Camerock and the Salvation Custom 3 are two of the best modules in his judgment and taste top buy out there he recommended them to me.

I know Matt you love your Salvation Salvado and that it is one of your favorite mods but here is something to think about.

Soldano doesn't have just one SLO 100 you can order the Van Halen version which is a mod they offer from stock or the George Lynch version or the Warren Demartini version or the Warren Haynes version or the Eric Clapton version or the Stevie Ray Vaughan version and can you tell me of all of these version of the Soldano SLO which is best? Could anyone for that matter? You see it boils down to taste and whatever makes on happy your Salvation Salvado does it for you to you it's the best for you and puts a smile on your face every time you play it, it makes you happy.
To Ross his Jaded Faith Douchey ********* SLO version is best for him and makes him happy because he likes his better than yours doesn't debase or take away from what you have is a matter of difference of opinion.

Ross had nothing but praise for his Camerock in his private message to me so I wanted to make you aware of this.

Ross is not a fan of Death Metal and I am, I am not a fan of Punk Rock but he is but both he and I have something in common we both love George Lynch and Soldano Amps!!! I respect that Ross has his own opinion and way of looking at things he is very picky about tone and knows what he likes as I'm sure you do Matt.

His input and Rob's tweaks and mods have intrigued me I will be ordering one from Rob but with my own faceplate and I have a idea of my own I would like Rob to do to it for my own version but does that mean if I have a different newer version than Ross's that mine is better than all of yours? No it's just tweaked for me and my needs. The same way Mike Soldano tweaked his SLO for all the above mentioned artist.

I think Rob's work is Awesome!!! And his post are always professional.
I have yet to see him bash anyone and he has always conducted himself in a very helpfully respectful manner towards all.

And not to play favorites I want a Salvation Mods Camerock and Custom 3.

I have an Idea I will start a new thread and it will be this instead of the one modders mods are better than another how about this.

If you could have one module for free that you have to keep and can't sell from each of the following mod guru's which would it be?

The Guru's Being in no specific order:

Anthony @ Salvation Mods
Rob @ Jaded Faith
Scott @ Sacred Groove
Trace @ Voodoo Amps
Jeff Hilligan
Pete Turley
Dave Friedman
Bruce Egnater
Mike Fortin

Please don't reply here on this thread I will post this under a new topic.

Matt and Ross your both Great Guys and lets caulk this up to a misunderstanding

Cheers Guys!!!

Thanks James. You clearly get it it.

BTW, I like Children of Bodom. They're my death metal exception. :D
I said I made a mistake in the way I raised my point. Please stop asking me direct questions that just try to make this continue.

I like everyone here. I have felt an equal balance slipping as of late and had to say something but I did it the wrong way. My apologies.

I trust that most people here know I have attempted all along to be positive and helpful.

For all the crap that has happened behind closed doors, I slipped and said something I should not have said on the forum. Otherwise it's thousands of positive posts.

I am genuinely DISAPPOINTED I did this in this way.
The only thing this thread is lacking is Ronald Reagan hitting himself in the noggin.

Huh, well, what do you know?
Anyone besides me want to see Ross, Fig, Rob and Anthony get naked and do a big group hug? I believe we could all move on after that.
ricky said:
Anyone besides me want to see Ross, Fig, Rob and Anthony get naked and do a big group hug? I believe we could all move on after that.

This photo just doesn't get old on occasions like this.

Me thinks it is one of those situations where there is no moving on.
After that group hug pic I am ready to move on. I assume that was Fig in the picture showing a little bit of excitement?
Just a thought... but what do I know...?

Perhaps the balance "seems" unbalanced due to the individual forum presence of each modder. I mean, Gigmods has its own section, although it's been inactive for a long time... Jaded faith has a dedicated section... and all the other modders have a "module" section where they're all lumped together, AND few (as of lately) posts from those modders.

That leads me to believe this: If Jaded Faith module users are tipping the balance of this forum, it's probably because:
1. He's extremely active on this forum
2. He's easy to get in touch with
3. He sell lots of mods here

So naturally, the balance of modders will never be equal on this forum, unless they all have the similar forum presence, price, offering, availability of the mods & access to the modder.

Let's face it, some of our beloved modders have left the game. So, of course the balance tipped OUT of their favor... and into favor of whatever modder went after those sales. This happen in every business model. It's good business to pick up market share.

I really don't think it's favoritism (maybe for some). I think it all boils down to: We, as customers, getting what we want, for a price we like, in a timeframe that we accept.
Opps... sorry guys... I missed out on a ton of this topic... I appologize if I stirred it back up! :lol:
Good point Salvaged!

Fig I still like you, no harm done, we all trip over our keyboards from time to time. It's all in good fun and in spirit of an actual forum where you are allowed to have dissenting views! 8)
+1 to Salvaged's point.

And to Kapo_Polenton's statement too.

No blood no harm as they say Matt, it's all good Bro.

Oh what a discussion this has become.
Ross your mod is wicked cool and I think I want to sue
it for sexual harassment. :lol: Thank you for sharing your
passion for tonal bliss found in that mod.

I think everyone is already figuring out what is going on with
he who shall not be named. There has always been a forumite that
was always seeking glory and praise in what ever they done. I am just
as guilty for cheering myself even though deeply I were doing so with
sarcasm under my breath. I am sure I am not the only one here that
sees posts that say "Best mod I've ever played!!", then to only see
"Want to buy this great mod for way more than I paid for it?!!" :lol:
It happens all over and I really feel bad about calling this type of thing
out because I still enjoy this forum and modules.
Long live the idea of having great tube tones at a great value and great
help from modders out there that help us find it!
BigBrewtus said:
I am sure I am not the only one here that
sees posts that say "Best mod I've ever played!!", then to only see
"Want to buy this great mod for way more than I paid for it?!!" :lol:

This really is annoying when I see it, glad someone called it out.
There are some good folks here that pass on deals, and a lot of cheese balls also.