The Douchey Douchbag

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I'm old myself. This was not that bad:

Nosing around the grundle area -- usually performed by a dog trying to get your attention (aka crotch-sniffing) or another person REALLY trying to get your attention.
"Dude, get your dog off of me!"
"Oh, sorry man. Spike! No grundling the guests!"

Could have been much worse considering the kind of people in the MTS community.
ricky said:
I'm old myself. This was not that bad:

Nosing around the grundle area -- usually performed by a dog trying to get your attention (aka crotch-sniffing) or another person REALLY trying to get your attention.
"Dude, get your dog off of me!"
"Oh, sorry man. Spike! No grundling the guests!"

Could have been much worse considering the kind of people in the MTS community.

thanks, man. You've gone beyond & above

Sorry to beat a seemingly dead horse here, but... ahhhhh...

This topic is one I have always tried handle tactfully. When I came on board, I was quickly briefed by my close friend, already a forum member here, that the Salvation vs Jaded Faith argument was something that should be avoided. I admit my opinions are biased because my loyalty is to me, my tastes and my wallet. Even with that said, I have only ever compared modules when someone asks "what's the difference between Salvation"X" and JF"X" and I'm pretty sure its only ever been comparing the Mamba SE, which I own and love, and the Snakebite, which I own and love. When someone asks about a module by Salvation that I haven't had direct interaction with, I only offer my opinion of a module I own that I feel may do the same thing.

Okay... the qualifying statement has been made

It has always irritated me the way the Salvation guys - for lack of a more clever group title - feel the need to bash Jaded Faith. They don't bash Pete, Jeff, Dave, Scott or Voodoo, just Jaded Faith. This is not a paranoid rant, this is reality as I see it. One forum member in particular - not Matt -would always go out of his way to answer a question specifically about a JF Mod with which Salvation Mod they should buy instead, NEVER answering the question, only promoting one of Salvation's products instead. It was blatant and consistent. During a conversation for a mod with Rob, I mentioned it and was asked by Rob to NOT comment on it. So the idea of Rob stirring the pot seems ludicrous to me

Ross is a passionate, funny guy. He talked about his plight for a specific tone that he has been trying to achieve. Rob got it for him. That should be the end of it.

I think maybe the reason why the Salvation Guys feel the need to speak for Antonin is because he doesn't post here a whole lot. Of course things are slanted towards Rob on this forum, he has a PRESENCE here. Frankly I would think that others should be a little more offended that Antonin - sorry if I am spelling it wrong, I have seen several spellings - doesn't post here more himself. I'm sure the Admin would give him his own page on the forum if he was inclined to participate. Why hasn't he made the effort? Doesn't he care about the guys buying and promoting his product? Rob has always been extremely approachable on this forum, while Antonin is MIA. That's the main reason I have one Salvation Module and several by Jaded Faith

All I can see in this thread is Ross posting his opinion of a module and I think he made it pretty clear that that is exactly what it is, HIS opinion.

Matt's a good dude! He has never been anything but helpful and honest with me. I don't know where he got that Rob had anything to do with Ross' post and his comments do not mention anything by Salvation in the least.

I agree with Matt, I like 'em all!

I guess this thread just stoked the flames on a fire that should have burned out long ago!

Keep the faith, guys!

I can't believe this argument is still brewing after all this time. Play what you like, if that's Salvation Mods...great! I think Ross was just excited that he finally captured a tone he's been after for a long time....what's so wrong with that? In the past he's praised Salvation plenty where he felt it was deserved, everyone's ears are different.

I guess I'd better add a disclaimer to my sig, so those that judge tone based exclusively on which modder it came from can ignore my opinions.
Until everything is laid out in front of us, I think people are wasting their time trying to figure out this argument. It does go deep, it seems that Salvation supporters are disappearing and it's becoming one sided.

By the way, in general, how can anyone compare a module to another module or the real amp that isn't sitting side by side in the same room?
It reminds me of a Steve Morse clinic...Deep Purple was playing in town and he was doing a clinic earlier in the day. I was there early and got a chance to watch him bring in his head (the same head that he always uses at the show) and set up for the clinic. He was having a heck of a time trying to get it to sound "right" in the room. In fact when he started the clinic he apologized to us saying that his amp didn't sound like it should because of the acoustics of the room.
JD said:
It reminds me of a Steve Morse clinic...Deep Purple was playing in town and he was doing a clinic earlier in the day. I was there early and got a chance to watch him bring in his head (the same head that always uses at the show) and set up for the clinic. He was having a heck of a time trying to get it to sound "right" in the room. In fact when he started the clinic he apologized to us saying that his amp didn't sound like it should because of the acoustics of the room.

So true. Many years ago I had a number of JCM 800s (2203, 2210) and they all sounded different. They would sound different between sound check and the show? they would sound different at the beginning of the set and the end of a set. I remember joking about it all the time. I knew nothing about ear fatigue or how room acoustics change when there are more or less people not to mention the quality of the electricity in each room.

So many factors? After guitars, speakers, cables, effects, the room, your ears, the humidity, your girls minstrel cycle (or your own), what percentage is the preamp/module of your tone? 50%? No way! maybe 35% or 25% maybe less.

I?m sure that calculation is different for every player; obviously it is a lot different for some who uses minimal effects compared to someone like me who uses tons of effects. For me, comparing high gain modules, there is maybe a 5-10 percent change in tone (my wife says they all sound exactly the same).

It is funny how emotional we get about something that is probably not perceivable to our listeners.
Another shout out for room acoustics... I used to be a treble whore. I could never have enough. I hated some mods and felt they were too dark... then i put together my home studio area and tuned it with BASS traps in the corners and on the walls for reflections. Now I've sucked a ton of bass out and i feel at times from day to day that i have too much treble! So many variables... you can say a comparison is close only if you A/B something in the same room at the same time. That is why i am always interested in hearing from people who have owned said amps and played them at home where the module now resides and gets played..
OK Kapo, I have an example of an amp and mod in the same room. I have a JF Twin mod. It was once a stock twin and then I had it modded by another modder. The other modder, who is great at certain things, could not get the real Twin sound as it always had a little break up at lower volumes. I also own a 1972 Twin with EV SRO's. I called Rob up and described how my 1972 Twin sounds.....almost no break up, ultra clean, emphais on the high end. It doesn't matter what room I am in as it always sounds the same when I am one or two feet from it. Rob Modded my MTS Twin mod(now in an RM50) and I have it five feet across the room from my real Twin. I can make them to where I am not sure which one I am playing through. I plug my old Strat into it and both have the old vintage spank and sparkle. I have the same experience with a base modded deluxe from him and my old deluxe. I can't say about an XTC, RVERB, Soldano, etc. as I have never owned any of the real deals. All I know is the boy gets Fender. I love the other mods just b/c they sound cool in their own right and not compared to anything I have owned.
Well Ross your thread started out with:

(I want to introduce the MTS community to my creation, The Douchey *********.)

Unfortunately I think your going to have to start another thread Ross to post your clips, it seems that this thread now has nothing to do with your new module lol!

It's become it's own monster! lol

All you wanted to do was to share your excitement for your new module The Douchey ********* and it turned into political central for any and all debates thoughts or musings,
the good the bad and the ugly hahaha lol.

What the hell happened? Jesus lol!

I personally would love to hear clips of it as I am super interested in buying a version of your new module from Rob too.

But somehow I think this thread will continue down this same trodden path or maybe worse.

I will probably get attacked for even suggesting we get back to the original point of this thread which is your new module and the idea of you putting up links to clips of it.

Oh well I tried to right this ship but it's mutiny I tell you, mutiny!!! lol

If this thread hasn't already ruined your new thrill and excitement for the module I would love to here clips of The Douchey ********* it looks Super F'n Badass and the I for one would love to hear the Grundling :wink:
I say Let The Grundling Begin!!!
Man I haven't been in this thread a couple if days & suprised it went the direction it did. With that I will defend Rob in that I have never seen him post or request others bash another modder... I wish I could say the same applied to some of the other modders. What I have noticed is that it always seems to be the Salvo or anti-JF people seeing a slight toward a different modder & then insinuating evil intentions from Rob.
As far as the references to the behind the scenes BS, I don't know what that is supposed to be about. My opinion is it is a bunch of hearsay & conspiracy BS.

Now I think it is time for some clips. :lol:
What amazes me is that these comments keep coming. All that needed to be said was written long ago and the piling on is unnecessary. I wish for the sake of the forum, we could all move on to what matters, our love for all thing MTS. Just my two cents.
Mattfig said:
Good points and again, we're coming to kick ass?.No questions asked?It is all that and more in the product we have?.Nothing compares.

I havent posted much on here lately...been very happy with my stable of mods but some of the new mods have caught my attention. Interesting thread (seen similar ones on here so many times now) but what really caught my attention THIS TIME was Matt's statement here....Lots of confidence-bravado-suspense....Cant wait to hear what this "be all/end all" product is! Please release this "greatness" it to the masses! I know its super top secret- Is it MTS related?
rblyn said:
Mattfig said:
Good points and again, we're coming to kick ass?.No questions asked?It is all that and more in the product we have?.Nothing compares.

I havent posted much on here lately...been very happy with my stable of mods but some of the new mods have caught my attention. Interesting thread (seen similar ones on here so many times now) but what really caught my attention THIS TIME was Matt's statement here....Lots of confidence-bravado-suspense....Cant wait to hear what this "be all/end all" product is! Please release this "greatness" it to the masses! I know its super top secret- Is it MTS related?

The wheel has been re-invented! It's going to blow your mind! :)