Too Much Gain in Tweed Module, looking for options

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Recently I bought the Tweed module as my clean channel only to find it really is an overdrive more than anything. Now, I can turn down the gain quite a bit and find a clean I really love, but it's still a bit of a fight to keep the grit out (I like a little grit, but this is more than a little). Here are my options:

Send it back and get a Blackface module. This is the idea I'm entertaining right now. I'd really like a clean module that will work well with an overdrive pedal (unlike the Tweed) and something I don't have to wrestle with to get less gain. Like I said, I do love the tonal properties of the Tweed, just not the amount of overdrive. Think the Blackface could deliver?

The other option is to replace the 12AX7s in the module itself with something more tame. I have a hardtime thinking that will satisfy, but I'm open.

The third and final option is another clean module other than Blackface. Anyone think another module delivers the same great chime and bold bass with less grit?


Might I also mention that there are absolutely no MTS dealers in my area, so going and trying out different modules isn't possible.
Michael. The Tweed is modeled after the Bassman which breaks up early like the JTM. The Blackface shouldn't break up at all.

Check the preamp tubes in the Tweed. You might want to try a 12AT7, 12AY7 or 12AU7 in there. That might help.
Hey Mike, I can vouch for Jaded Faith's work. He does QUALITY work, faster+less expensive than most other modders and he's such a great guy to work with! Send the Tweed to him, I bet you wont be disappointed.
In all honesty I don't straight up have the money for a mod (or new tubes), but just out of curiosity how much would the mod run me?
Julia is right. Try a lesser gain tube such as a 12AT or 12AU. These modules do break up early. That is what caused the rage of the original circuit. You can try to leave the gain way down and raise the level on the module and amp to get the clean volume up. If it is still breaking up after this then remember to to roll your volume back some too. I have a DiMarzio Super Distortion in my PRS and it will bring on the break up with ease. I pull the coil cut to go to single and roll the volume back to clean up my plexi some and it really cleans up on the tweed. I have went to 12AT7's in the tweed now and it is mostly sparkling clean until about 12 to 1 on the gain settings. A pair of quality 12AT7's should be no more than $30.
Thanks for the help. Mostly because I'd like compatibility with overdrive pedals, I went ahead and sent it back. It's going to hurt a whole $30 in shipping (here and back total) and I just don't want to set myself back any more on one module. I'm going for the Blackface. I saw a couple of for sale in Classifieds and I'm going to hit up the sellers to see if they are still available (and have the correct factory mod of the 150 ohm resistors).
From what you have said, I think you'll like the Blackface.
I have the Tweed and the Blackface and like them both for different things but the Blackface is my default clean and it does take pedals well.
Agreed (w/Sampson). The Blackface is the best truly clean stock module.

I got rid of my Tweed for the same reason you did. The Deluxe is OK, but too thick sounding if you use humbuckers IMO. It does, however, sound amazing with a strat.
Jaded Faith said:
I can mod it for Tweed is my main clean tone live and I love it. :wink:
I'd do this. I would love a Tweed or Deluxe that's actually clean ;)

Also, you cna try a JAN 5751 in the V1 of the module and a 12AT7 of some sort in the V2 (maybe even a 12AU7 or 12AY7). Never try the 12AT7 in the V1 though, cuz it usually sounds like arse.
If you have one, you could basically use any pedal that allows you to cut the volume when enaged i.e. volume pedal, eq pedal,etc..

Set it to significantly cut your input signal to the amp and set the module with the gain way low and the volume up to cpmpensate.

Perhaps you might find a suitable trade partner on the forum as well for a cleaner module.
Man, I'm in the market for a Tweed and I have a Blackface I coulda traded ya. Too late I guess.
Thanks for the replies. I bought the module new and sent it back, and was able to buy a Blackface used for $130, so it pretty much ended up saving me money to send it back (after shipping cost I saved $50+), so a trade probably wouldn't have worked out as well (thanks for the offers). Also, if the Blackface sounds good, it's better than sinking money into something like a volume pedal I'd have to adjust every time I switched channels anyway. All in all I think sending it back to Music123 and getting a BF used was the most pragmatic and convenient solution. The only thing that might have been comparable would have been replacing the tubes, which would have been more expensive. I'm also not sure it would have made it anymore comparable with an overdrive pedal (I want the option), which I hear the BF works well with. Thanks for the help.