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  1. 6

    Help me please! My amp's not working!

    I am so pissed right now. :x I drove all over the place looking for some 10A slo blo fuses today. I must have went to a dozen places, including two different Radio Shacks. Why is it so hard to find this **** fuse? :evil:
  2. 6

    Help me please! My amp's not working!

    Thanks for the help, everyone. I will take a look at the board and see if the fuses are the problem. Thanks for the specifics, Bruce! I appreciate it.
  3. 6

    Help me please! My amp's not working!

    I fired it up, and the fan is blowing, the power light and the lights on the modules are glowing, but the power tubes are not glowing (tube failure lights are NOT on) and there's absolutely no sound coming out. Any idea what the problem might be? I've had this amp (RM100S) for a couple years...
  4. 6

    Help - I wanna mod my mids in my mods!!

    I agree. Unlocking the (not so) ancient secrets of the mysterious modules! Educational AND fun! :P
  5. 6

    Mod to make XTC less mid-heavy?

    Will do! Thanks again! BTW, I'd still like to hear other opinions if anyone's so inclined.
  6. 6

    Mod to make XTC less mid-heavy?

    Thank you, kind sir! :D
  7. 6

    Mod to make XTC less mid-heavy?

    Also, has anyone changed the bass cap in a XTC to .001? Is it an improvement over the stock .022?
  8. 6

    Mod to make XTC less mid-heavy?

    Does anyone happen to know what components on a XTC's board affect the mids? I want to make the voicing less mid-heavy. I thought maybe okstrat or some of you other knowledgeable members might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks!
  9. 6

    What's the difference between 715 and 716 series Orange Drop

    Hardy har har...why do I get the feeling I'm not going to get a serious answer here? :lol:
  10. 6

    What's the difference between 715 and 716 series Orange Drop

    I was waiting for that... :roll: :lol: What exactly would differentiate a "high performance" 716 from a 715?
  11. 6

    What's the difference between 715 and 716 series Orange Drop

    Anyone know? I have 715 Orange Drops, but I've heard other people mention that they use the 716 series. Are 715's okay to use?
  12. 6

    Settings for Blackface?

    I'd like to hear how everyone is setting their Blackface. I have a feeling I'm not getting the very best tone I can out of it. Admittedly, I don't mess with it that much; I'm usually playing with the high-gain modules. Any suggestions? Oh, and feel free to throw in your guitar settings, as well.
  13. 6

    Dave Friedman modded SL+

    I don't have nor have I heard the Grail. I think that may be next on my list.
  14. 6

    Marshall Higher Gain- Total confusion

    To my ears, the SL+ has as much gain as Mr. Scary, if not more. Ulf, if you're looking for a mid-heavy Kerry King type tone, I'd suggest you try an XTC. Plenty of mids on tap.
  15. 6

    Dave Friedman modded SL+

    I sent my SL+ to Dave Friedman last week. Just got it back today. It sounds killer! The best way I can describe it is "more of everything". Quite a bit more gain on tap, TONS of bottom end available, as well as mids and treble. And it's LOUD. The only drawback is it's not quite as versatile as...
  16. 6

    VH brown module pic

    Looks great, dude! Nice work.
  17. 6

    Brahma Module..."Tried it/Played it" thread!!!

    Can't wait to get my hands on one of these!
  18. 6

    XTC mid-heavy?

    Anyone care to give some setting suggestions? I'd appreciate it. Also, please give your density and presence levels as well.
  19. 6

    XTC mid-heavy?

  20. 6

    Which module is best for the Lynch/Wylde boosted Marshall?

    It tightens up the bottom end.