The Mod Code (Where do we draw the line?)

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There are people on here who' surely copied others work....some even sold it as their own...heck am fairly sure their are modders out there who started this way. The former is indefensible while the latter is probably inevitable and a good way to start.

I can see if a modder had something patentable or coverable by trademark that it would make sense to go that route if they cared too..maybe it's a volume thing since I don't know the costs involved....maybe it's just such a specific market there's no point....more likely, since half of the work is based on someone elses (Randall/Egnater)'s not doable.

The law may be the law...but being good and fair to other people helps me sleep at night and that's where I'm drawing the line.
Back in the 1940's Leo Fender copied GE, Jim Marshall later copied Leo, and everyone else has copied them. One can't make a traditional tube guitar preamp circuit and expect to patent it, form factor yes as Bruce has done with the MTS card/card-slot with knobs patent, but not the actual circuits.

We have built some custom MTS tube gear; Vox AC30TB, Orange OR120, Matchless Chieften (just for our own use, we're not selling to the public), though we didn't copy any MTS modders or Bruce, rather we copied the original tube amp's schematics (as much as was practically possible within the MTS form factor).

If you're working in the guitar preamp world as MTS people are, then no one has any legal IP ("Intellectual Property"), aside from Bruce's patent of the form factor of course.

JKD said:
There are people on here who' surely copied others work....some even sold it as their own...heck am fairly sure their are modders out there who started this way. The former is indefensible while the latter is probably inevitable and a good way to start.

I can see if a modder had something patentable or coverable by trademark that it would make sense to go that route if they cared too..maybe it's a volume thing since I don't know the costs involved....maybe it's just such a specific market there's no point....more likely, since half of the work is based on someone elses (Randall/Egnater)'s not doable.

The law may be the law...but being good and fair to other people helps me sleep at night and that's where I'm drawing the line.
Really what we are talking about here is etiquette. Either individuals will display it or they will not. Most choose to, such as, not posting gut shots of Pro-modded modules. I think for the most part most people on this form are standup members who will do the right thing most of the time. Now on to the issues:
Copy - I don't see a need to do it even for experience. Understand the science and do mods based on that knowledge. Will there be some overlap (similar components/switches/values/etc) sure but it should not be an identicle copy.

Possession - 9/10ths of the law, so I am told. If I own something I can do as I please with it, even if that means modding it further or making a copy (although I revert to my original comment/opinion on copying).

Trademarks/Branding - You should never sell your own work with the brand of someone else. In my opinion this includes self modding a Pro-modded module. If you add a tweak to someone elses work, then it is not their original work anymore & should not carry their name for obvious reasons. It puts their brand/name reputation at risk. I believe this applies to self modding Randall or Egnater modules as well. If you mod it then do as the Pro-modders do & get a custom faceplate made for it that doesn't have the Randall or Egnater brand on it.
I see stuff for sale all the time with otehr logos on it and they are not the original manufacterer..mainly guitars though and not through retailers..just guys that have a strat and pput the logo on teh HS or whatever...I even see where some guys sell the decals...just funny that one innocent little thread that was actually meant to praise a guy for his own work casused such a poop storm......I realize these modders do this stuff for a living and try to get the stuff to "sound" like a particular amp and want to make the modules look cool so they will sell...but I dont see teh harm in someone making there own stuff and putting the respective logo on it....I guess it isnt "unetical" or in poor taste to make an amp/preamp that sounds like another amp becasue there isnt a patent on sounds or tones so that is viewed differently..and im guessing it would be nearly impossible to do since tone is so subjective..I know Harley tried to years ago in response to the Japanese trying to make their bikes in the likeness of theres......just interesting to me that something that started out as so innocent and really created such a stir and has even alienated a few forum members from some of the modders......

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