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  1. W

    Seeking direct clips for MTS project

    It feels wrong to record DI when I have MTS here also :)) No, I can't get it to sound as good as MTS direct... wish I could tho.. And also, I guess I kind of feel that when I try recording guitar, the module sound influences my playing styles. Just what I'm thinking about...
  2. W

    Seeking direct clips for MTS project

    Send you DI tracks??? SH** YO CRAZY!!
  3. W

    Upcoming JF EV3 video - Last question

    Still awaiting this one:/
  4. W

    troube with reverb pedal

    If it's not balanced and not instrument level (TS), it should work somewhat fine, but it will be ~6 db quieter than you'd normally expect. That's what happens when you plug non-balanced with balanced, in non-technical terms or accuracy.
  5. W

    Never mind

    EVH is modern?? I'd say keep it tho...
  6. W

    Upcoming JF EV3 video - Last question

    Can it make me sound and play like EV?
  7. W

    Custom MOD50 heads_NEW

    You know, nothing sparks the imagination like a image, it would be cool to see some...
  8. W

    Blackface to JF super clean.

    like them all.
  9. W

    just when I thought I had all I needed...

    that is a awesome clutching hand, perhaps a clutching hand guitar holder would be nice.... zombie styles...
  10. W

    just when I thought I had all I needed...

    Bam! 2 more modules... Man I am GUILTY of module addiction sickness. Where is the addiction thread regarding the need to have new custom modules delivered to my door which provide so fresh a feeling in you hands, in you thoughts...
  11. W

    Use pedals in your loop with style (radial extc-SA)

    Non-500 series users rejoice, the extc-SA is out (well it should be available from l&m at least). No, I don't work for Radial... btw I seen several threads asking about this, and from what I see this is by far the best unit out there for it. Also...
  12. W

    What is protocol of action against seller?

    What is the proper procedure against after paying for module, and 7 days later no shipping confirmation or contact to be had? thanks method:paypal standard. I'll say to others interested in his module, he has 2 other modules for sale, and the one I payed for still hasn't been updated. I hope...
  13. W

    Demo recordings of my current mods

    nice, i liked the selection, good sound overall recording-wise imo.
  14. W

    Acoustic module

    I would be interested to know also. I think it is something easier to do in digital fx than in analog, i think it might involve a bit of pitch shifting.
  15. W

    What next after PlexiTweed

    I also have the OD Spec, but IMO is not anywhere near low gain/mid gain. That thing really just tears it up at all gain levels...
  16. W

    What next after PlexiTweed

    I'm exploring some tones that I have not a lot of experience with, but want to! I'm thinking JF Top Boost JF Tweed I love the Plexi-Tweed but I want to try some others in these area. Not looking for pure-clean and def not what most people consider 'rock' tone, but the sweet divide in between...
  17. W

    Hilly Scorch !!! Holy Shiznit!!!!!!!!

    Have one, love it, but I often wonder if there has been any updates to this module? cheers
  18. W

    SOLD: Jaded Faith - Super Clean

    still available?
  19. W

    Instrument level mod anyone?

    As far as I know Radial owns the patent for Reamping signals back to instrument level, perhaps there is other method but ya, I would still go with Radial on that one.
  20. W

    What makes a "great" mod

    You have to include the fact that, MTS is just a component in a larger product, which it brings life to. With the AMP with Modules, availability, reasonable price (especially now), ease to modify, different format (combo/head/rack) makes the whole line seem to come together. I think one of...