Is there a Randall MTS / Egnater exodus ocurring???

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Happy memorial day to all..and another thing...
Even IF Randall were to abandon the MTS line..which noone can say for sure if thats gonna Doesnt matter that much.
How many times have I bought and owned wonderful discontinued gear. hell, fender doesnt make a 1965 Deluxe reverb anymore..right? they make a sad impersonation of it, to be honest (I know Ive owned em).
And Gibson doesnt make actual 1959 LesPauls ,either. They make copies of them. Alot of the craftsmen moved on years ago (argueable to the Heritage Company).
But my point is: to real musicians it doesnt matter. We still use the good stuff wether Leo fender is alive and making them..or not.
When I go into a GC or Sam Ash, frankly most of the gear is for newbies who dont know tone. For people starting out..who cant tell the diff between a Boss Metal Zone Pedal and a Diezel.
So in some ways, it doesnt matter. Tube amps are simple to repair and maintain. I routinely have seen guys playing out with amps made when Lyndon Johnson was president (especially when I lived in Austin). And alot of new music features these same amps.
Im cool with whatever Randall wants to do. I'm set: I have an Rm4..and I slay with my tones everynight.
Maybe Anthony would know a little more about what's going on. Didn't Randall contact him about modules and all that?
Did I miss somethinbg here? This thread went from" hmm, a lot of people here seem to be in sell-mode" to "even if Randall discontinues the line" to "oh no, who can tell us the scoop?"

This mts line will stay in place in for a little while still, this thread just seemed to create it's own truth
There seems to be a minor panic going on here about what may or may not happen to the MTS line. Yes, the lack of anything new for MTS has gone on for way too long, but it looks like a case of corporate growing pains.

In my own business, I have experienced many of my clients going through mergers/acquisitions. It is never an easy thing. On top of the merger, they replaced Doug Reynolds with someone (I forgot his name) who is well known for his amp work and wants to put his mark on the MTS line. Soooo, things that were about to come out got delayed. Last week I did learn that they had way more demand for the RM-22 than they anticipated and have a production backlog. Poor planning? Maybe, but this is good news for us.

While I am not really worried about the state of Randall yet, I have to agree with George. If these amps are as great as we all think they are, people will be playing them for 40 years after they are discontinued.

As insurance, you may want to make sure to get your hands on schematics and specs for the amps and modules for future use.
thanks for the achnowledgement. And to CrankyRayHanky..
yeah I see your point that this thread "created its own truth".
But you know, as well as I do, that companies are always spinning the its no wonder we must, do analysis of their actions and collectively determine whats actually going on.
I love the gear, but Id be less than forward if I said that Bruce Egnaters discussion of building gear outside the USA sadens me, and the lack of any new MTS modules concerns me, as well as the introduction of new randall products, while promtion of the MTS line seems to be waning (I have read here at this forum that some artists have been dropped as endorsees).
So, taken together, it isnt a surprize that some people think Randall is losing interest in the whole MTS line. But like I said, in some ways it doesnt matter. Good tone is good tone, and if this really is a better mousetrap (and I think it is)...we will still be using this gear for years... or more likely, someone gets wise and buys up the rights and finally refreshes the whole line with a 50 watt 3 module single 12" combo amp (my dream!!!), with midi, and a usable Fx loop.
I think it will happen..I just think the economy is stalled and even Randall is afraid to commit to things. But I feel, things will start moving soon, and it will all work out. In the meantime, buy some MTS from a person who has cold feet...they always seem to come back saying "I really missed my MTS gear".
GtrGeorge! said:
as well as the introduction of new randall products, while promtion of the MTS line seems to be waning (I have read here at this forum that some artists have been dropped as endorsees).

Digidesign/M-Audio/Sibelius/and a bunch of other small software companies are going through the same thing being put under the AVID label. There is kind of a chaos going on. Tech support people who used to frequent the forums are gone, but AVID isn't going anywhere. So much for competition, eh?

Some of these former endorsees were offered deals from other companies, which in some cases included free amps and other gear and royalties. This and musicians seem to change gear like socks.

Favorite guitar? Mine? Oh that changes from week to week.
Thread certainly was never intended to generate any panic....or become a self-fulfilling many of us I have way too much invested in modules but like almost everyone who has posted here...absolutely no intention of abandoning the's just too's hoping Randall feels the same way!

It was great for trying different types of amp tones.... but I have come to realize that it is a money pit. A couple of hundred here and there adds up. I know what I like and had it all the time. Support sucks... I'm out.
You know for people who are trying to find out what tones they like I usually recommend they get a modeler. That way they have tens of different amp tones they can try out. Find one they like and grab that. Me? I like Fender and Marshall tones. I don't have a lot of room for multiple amps. Unfortunately amps take up a lot of room. The Lynch Box does not. I can get my Fender and Marshall tones out of the same amp. No they're not exact, but then I've also got Celestion Greenbacks in the cab so who knows?
Julia said:
Me? I like Fender and Marshall tones. I don't have a lot of room for multiple amps. Unfortunately amps take up a lot of room. The Lynch Box does not. I can get my Fender and Marshall tones out of the same amp. No they're not exact, but then I've also got Celestion Greenbacks in the cab so who knows?
You would absolutely LOVE the Zwengel Banshee 50. It's like an Egnater Tweaker on steroids without the Vox distraction. "Vintage" channel has pristine Fendery cleans and "Modern" channel is 80's CR all the way. Another brand that got a bad rap from the prima donnas at TGP and dropped value like a gallows trap door. Carl is a brilliant technician and utterly without human social skills. Pt2Pt hand-wired, a thing of beauty to behold the circuit board. Mine is paired with a Bogner-design Zwengel 4x12 with UberKab X pattern V30s and GT12-75s. If you find one on craigslist snap it up.

UPDATE: There's one on Chris Guitars for sale as of 01 July.....
Julia said:
You know for people who are trying to find out what tones they like I usually recommend they get a modeler. That way they have tens of different amp tones they can try out. Find one they like and grab that. Me? I like Fender and Marshall tones. I don't have a lot of room for multiple amps. Unfortunately amps take up a lot of room. The Lynch Box does not. I can get my Fender and Marshall tones out of the same amp. No they're not exact, but then I've also got Celestion Greenbacks in the cab so who knows?

same idea taken further

I use the line 6 DM4 distortion modeler instead of spending alot of $$ on individual pedals.

that way I can find out quickly what type pedal works best with any amp I come across - some like treble boosters, some will only sound best with tube screamers, others a full range drive will bring out the best tones

all these types are modeled in the DM4 so it saves me money & time !!

BTW, my RM20 loves the DM4
regarding modelers...
to quote Jack Nicholson from "As it good as it gets"

"I really wish that did it for me..."

GtrGeorge! said:
regarding modelers...
to quote Jack Nicholson from "As it good as it gets"

"I really wish that did it for me..."


Foo Fighters "Wheels" and "Word Forward" off their "Greatest Hits" CD were recorded using Eleven Rack modeling.
..good for THEM. In the studio..wonderful things can be done.

I even like "Wheels", even though Dave Grohl should start sending checks to Tom Petty for using some of his song writing ideas.
But back isnt live and I well know it.
See a video of me live..and hear my tone.

I have no keyboardist or 2nd guitarist..I have to fill an entire stage with sound..and I do with my TUBE system. In fact, just like the all-tube amps FooFighters use live.
it's actually easier to "fill an entire stage with sound" when you don't have a second guitarist or keyboardist to compete with for space. But what does your use of an all tube rig prove? Or rather, how does it disprove that the same could be done with an Eleven Rack or AxeFX?
The aame thing could be done with a variety of rigs- but for many of us Tube Tone is a living organic symbiotic relationship. If those 0s & 1s do it for you have a blast
if it weren't for people like

Jaded Faith + Ok Strat + Dave Friedman

I would never even considered investing in anything MTS related !
GtrGeorge! said:
Happy memorial day to all..and another thing...
Even IF Randall were to abandon the MTS line..which noone can say for sure if thats gonna Doesnt matter that much.
How many times have I bought and owned wonderful discontinued gear. hell, fender doesnt make a 1965 Deluxe reverb anymore..right? they make a sad impersonation of it, to be honest (I know Ive owned em).
And Gibson doesnt make actual 1959 LesPauls ,either. They make copies of them. Alot of the craftsmen moved on years ago (argueable to the Heritage Company).
But my point is: to real musicians it doesnt matter. We still use the good stuff wether Leo fender is alive and making them..or not.
When I go into a GC or Sam Ash, frankly most of the gear is for newbies who dont know tone. For people starting out..who cant tell the diff between a Boss Metal Zone Pedal and a Diezel.
So in some ways, it doesnt matter. Tube amps are simple to repair and maintain. I routinely have seen guys playing out with amps made when Lyndon Johnson was president (especially when I lived in Austin). And alot of new music features these same amps.
Im cool with whatever Randall wants to do. I'm set: I have an Rm4..and I slay with my tones everynight.
George is right....I mean, these amps will last our lifetime if you take care of them...
Rod said:
GtrGeorge! said:
Happy memorial day to all..and another thing...
Even IF Randall were to abandon the MTS line..which noone can say for sure if thats gonna Doesnt matter that much.
How many times have I bought and owned wonderful discontinued gear. hell, fender doesnt make a 1965 Deluxe reverb anymore..right? they make a sad impersonation of it, to be honest (I know Ive owned em).
And Gibson doesnt make actual 1959 LesPauls ,either. They make copies of them. Alot of the craftsmen moved on years ago (argueable to the Heritage Company).
But my point is: to real musicians it doesnt matter. We still use the good stuff wether Leo fender is alive and making them..or not.
When I go into a GC or Sam Ash, frankly most of the gear is for newbies who dont know tone. For people starting out..who cant tell the diff between a Boss Metal Zone Pedal and a Diezel.
So in some ways, it doesnt matter. Tube amps are simple to repair and maintain. I routinely have seen guys playing out with amps made when Lyndon Johnson was president (especially when I lived in Austin). And alot of new music features these same amps.
Im cool with whatever Randall wants to do. I'm set: I have an Rm4..and I slay with my tones everynight.
George is right....I mean, these amps will last our lifetime if you take care of them...

Indeed, and with modders like Salvation, Gigmods, Jaded Faith, Friedman, etc doing such fabulous work on the MTS modules, we will still have an amazingly flexible and diverse palette of tonal colors to choose from for our MTS gear.

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